Chapter 2

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As Nishimura Ni-ki, the crown prince, kissed my hand, a jolt of electricity seemed to surge through my veins. I couldn't deny the intensity of his gaze or the way his presence commanded attention.

"Thank you, your highness," I managed to reply, although my voice was slightly trembling. Despite my attempt to maintain my composure, I couldn't shake off the nervousness that I suddenly felt .

Nishimura Ni-ki studied her for a moment, his eyes probing yet unreadable. "You seem... different from the usual attendees of these gatherings," he remarked, his tone thoughtful.

"Maybe because I'm just a commoner who happen to be here today." I said while looking at his eyes.

"commoner you say.". He said before his hand touched the necklace on my neck. "Yet, you are wearing one of the most expensive jewely which is the diamond heart." He said as his eye darted toward mine.

Nishimura Ni-ki's gaze lingered on me, a hint of curiosity evident in his eyes. "A commoner amidst nobility," he echoed, his voice tinged with intrigue. "Yet there's something about you that sets you apart."

if only you all know that I was not from this world that this is just a novel that I wrote and that you are the villain that was Destined to die in the end. Being here means I will witnessed everything that I wrote.

I thought he would already left that's why I just look at the starts on the sky again when I felt go closer to me.

As Nishimura Ni-ki's fingers traced the delicate lines of the diamond heart necklace adorning my neck, a cold sweat broke out on my skin. Why does he keep looking at my necklace it's not like it's a big deal to have this right .

"I... it was a gift," I don't know I just suddenly said it, I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "From a friend."

The crown prince's scrutiny intensified, his piercing gaze seemingly peering into the depths of my soul. "A friend, you say?" he mused, his tone laced with skepticism. "Or perhaps there's more to the story than meets the eye."

My heart raced as I fought to maintain my facade, my mind racing with frantic thoughts. How could I explain the truth without revealing the depths of my deception? How could I navigate this intricate web of lies and deceit without unraveling the very fabric of reality? Why is he even interested on nowing why a commener have this necklace.

Before I could formulate a response, a commotion erupted from the ballroom below, drawing our attention away from the tense exchange. With a fleeting glance, Nishimura Ni-ki released his hold on my necklace, his gaze lingering for a moment longer before he turned to address the disturbance.

Relief flooded through me as I took a shaky breath, the weight of his scrutiny lifting for now. But deep down, I knew that our encounter had only served to deepen the mystery surrounding me, propelling me further down the path of uncertainty and intrigue.

As I watched the crown prince disappear into the bustling crowd, a sense of foreboding settled over me like a dark cloud.

After the while event,, I home quietly while still thinking of the thing that happen today.

1st on the novel he was supposed to talk to the female leads the whole night since he was captivated by her the first time he saw her..

2nd there is no commotion, that's not supposed to happen.

Why does it feel like the flow of the story change or it's just my thought? Everything doesn't seems right.

After I got home completely remove the extravagant gown and carefully placed the diamond heart necklace aside, the weight of the day's events continued to weigh heavily on my mind.

Fragments of dialogue and scenes from my novel replayed in my mind, each one distorted by the unexpected twists and turns of reality. The seamless narrative I had envisioned had been disrupted, leaving behind a tangled web of uncertainty and doubt.

"Is it a bad sign that they been saying different thing from what I had wrote." I whisper before I lay on my bed.

Was it possible that my characters had broken free from the confines of my imagination, forging their own paths independent of my control? Or was there something more sinister at play, lurking beneath the surface of this seemingly unknown world?

I started to get up off my bed. Lost in my thoughts, I paced back and forth across the room, the familiar surroundings offering little solace in the face of this newfound uncertainty. With each step, the lines between fiction and reality blurred, leaving me grasping at fragments of a story that no longer seemed to belong to me.

But I know all the event that will happen, I won't be in danger as long as I don't do anything that will make the story change.

Today even though I met the two prince they still met the female lead so it was okay.

As the hours ticked by, I found myself consumed by a sense of unease, the events of the evening looming over me like a shadow.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, one thing remained certain: the journey was far from over, and the path ahead was shrouded in darkness. With a heavy heart, I braced myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Can I even still go back to my real world?
Does after the whole story end I will wake up on my own room.

It's still unknown why I got inside the novel that I wrote.. No one can explain how.. I don't even know who to talk here all I know is all the main character and the real enemy.

In the end Can I trust someone here? This novel is about betrayal and power.

I look up the ceiling of my room, filled with darkness. As I slowly close my eyes.. I fell asleep.

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