Chapter 6

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As I carefully tended to his wound, a tense silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of our breathing. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me—as I glanced at Niki's stoic expression, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

"Thank you for mending my wound Hera." His deep voice caught me off guard.

I paused, meeting his gaze for the first time since we arrived in my house . In that moment, I saw a flicker of vulnerability beneath his hardened exterior, a glimpse of the person behind the villainous facade.. Why did I even forget that his weakness was people being kind to him since no one take good care of him even when he was a child since he was train to be brave on an early age. All he held was sword.

The only reason why I made him the villain was because the reader like his brother to become the male lead because they saw chemistry to them..

A pang of empathy tugged at my heartstrings as I realized the depth of Ni-ki's upbringing, the loneliness and hardship he must have endured. Despite his menacing demeanor, he was just a product of his circumstances—a pawn in a game he never asked to play.

"You're welcome your majesty the crown prince, Ni-ki," I replied softly, the name rolling off my tongue with an unexpected familiarity. "It's the least I could do." I whisper the word at the end, hoping he doesn't hear it.

As we lingered in the quiet intimacy of my room, a sudden commotion outside shattered the fragile bubble of tranquility. Voices echoed in the distance, urgent and alarmed, reminding us of the event  that happen a while ago. I suddebly felt that something was in my pocket, that's when I realize that I have a gift to give to him.

"I have something to give to you." He look at me before I handed him the gem. "happy birthday crown prince." I softly said before smiling,

"thank you for this.". He said before he put it on his pocket.

"What's that noise?" I said while hearing loud sound outside.

"I should go. " Ni-ki said, rising to his feet with a fluid grace. "Thank you again, Hera." He said before he kissed the top of my hand.

Before I could respond, he was gone, slipping silently into the night like a shadow fading into darkness.
I just lay on my bed and look at the dark ceiling if my room.

Lost in a sea of uncertainty, I gazed at the darkness enveloping my room, searching for answers amidst the shadows. But the truth remained elusive, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand, leaving me grappling with the tangled web of emotions swirling within.

With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to the uncertainty of the night, knowing that the dawn would bring with it a new day filled with endless possibilities. 


As the morning sun cast its golden rays across the city, the aftermath of last night's events loomed heavy in the air. Gossip swirled through the streets like wildfire, whispers of suspicion and accusation painting the crown prince as the prime suspect in the attempted assassination of the king.

Even as I attempted to blend into the crowd, the whispers followed me like a shadow, casting doubt upon my every move. It seemed as though the very air was thick with suspicion.

I knew this would happen but I can't help but to feel like this is so wrong. I know he was innocent. Even though I made him look bad on my novel.. Being here and being able to witness everything.. I feel bad about him.. He hasn't show me anything bad. Infact he was somehow kind to me..

Despite the weight of doubt pressing down upon me, a stubborn sense of conviction stirred within my heart. I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that the accusations against the crown prince were unfounded, that there was more to the story than met the eye. I know I shouldn't feel like this, I shouldn't interfere with the story but i can see him as a real person here.

With each step I took through the crowded streets, I felt the weight of responsibility settle upon my shoulders. As a witness to the events of the previous night.

"He"s not the one that should be blame, but who would believe me when everyone already believe the spectaculation about him. " I can't help but sigh.

As I walk on the quiet part of the street alley, when someone just grab me, We hid on a dark part alley.

I was about to scream when I heard his deep voice." shh,don't scream. " with that I automatically know that this is Ni-ki the crown prince.

"Your Majesty, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be on the palace? " i ask him with a low voice.

He look at me before he lean to my ears so I can hear what he was supposed to say.

"Someone is plotting something to accused me of killing the king, Imagine finding clues. " I felt A shiver when his breath reaches my ear.

"I know you didn't do it. " This word just came out of my mouth naturally which makes him look at me again in my eye.

"Atleast I have someone who believed in me. " He said before he smile at me.. It somehow makes my heart beat a little. In the novel I never make him smile all I did was make him feel lonely and to be judge by the other.. It makes me feel bad.. I shouldn't have done that.

"You are with me and I saw your wounds, there is no way you would plan it when even you yourself are hurt. " Maybe they judge him because they doesn't saw how he was bleeding last night..

Looking at him.... Maybe it won't hurt if I change the story plot a little bit right? As long as the main lead end together.. Maybe just maybe I can help him so people won't see him as the villain in the end anymore... Maybe everyone can have a happily ever after without hurting anyone.

King ► N.RKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें