Chapter 5

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As I made my way back to my home, my mind raced with thoughts of the impending danger that might loomed over the palace.

I fixed my self from the dress and make up, to my hair. I don't know why I have enough wealth but I don't have any maid here.

as the sun began to dip below the horizon, I know anytime soon that I needed to go back to the palace.

I bring a lot of gold with me as I walk to the busy street, I need to find a gift for the crown prince.

While looking at what to give to the crown prince, a gem caught my eye it has A shiny blue and red color that was combine in bracelet charm.

"how much is this?" I ask the old lady who was selling it.

"as expected you will pick this, it's 10gold only." she said before she smile at me. Weird.

After I pay for it I put it in the pocket of my long gown.. I'm wearing a dark red dress which show some skin since this is the only dress I  could find that was suitable for a big event on a palace.

As I entered the palace, the grandeur of the surroundings enveloped me, but beneath the surface, an unease lingered. The chatter of the guests filled the air, but my mind remained preoccupied with the impending danger I sensed looming over the palace. Clutching the gem tightly in my pocket, I made my way inside.

The celebration was about to start, people are dancing while the King was watching... more minutes and when the sword battle start they will let the crown prince show himself to all the people that was here.

Couple of minutes had passed ,As the sword battle raged on, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Glancing discreetly around, I noticed several individuals moving stealthily through the crowd, their eyes darting around as if searching for something—or someone. Their presence seemed out of place amidst the revelry, and a shiver ran down my spine as I realized they might be the one who will try to assassinate the king.

As the final clash of swords echoed through the hall, signaling the end of the battle, the crowd erupted into applause. Amidst the cheers, the doors at the far end of the room creaked open, and the crown prince stepped forward, adorned in regal attire, his presence commanding the attention of all.

"Whoaa! He was really scary." I heard people whisper as the crown prince look at everyone .

"He really has the power to make everyone terrified." I said to myself.

I tried going to the other side since I don't feel safe on my place. Knowing that the assasin might attacked anytime soon.

When I successfully go to the side, I saw someone that was talking to a people who has a masked on their faces.

They are wearing all black clothes with a fur . While the one who's talking to them was wearing a gown? So it's a women.

I didn't manage to see her whole face since her back was the one facing me,But I see her golden hairpin that has a design of redrose and a dragon that has a diamond.

With bated breath, I watched as the woman's hand reached into the folds of her gown, withdrawing a gleaming dagger concealed within. My heart raced as I realized the gravity of the situation—the assassin was poised to strike, and the target could was none other the king himself.

Before I could look at them again .they all vanished like a bubble.

I walked and look around to see If I will find the masked people around but , I can't even see even a shadow of them. Without realizing it I bump into someone.

"B-blood?" I said when I saw my hand who touches the cloth of the guy I just bump into.

"THE KING !!! PROTECT THE KING!!!" Before I could see his face the guard all shouted and go on the King trone to guard him.

Everyone is screaming and running to get out of here while the guy who I bump into protected me using his arm,I manage to look up who's the guy I bump into.

His dangerous gaze, how can I not notice it was him.

"Don't move." He whisper to my ear since our body are so close due to people running and bumping into us.

"Y-your bleeding Ni-ki." I didn't see his expression but I guess he didn't heard that I say his name . The only thing that I was thinking is that , I can feel my hand getting wet from his blood. his wound is deep and I'm sure it hurt so much.

"I can manage it." He said. Pain is evident on his voice but he still keep his expression the same.

I know I shouldn't be doing this but , Even though he is just a chatacter and a villain , my human instict just can't let someone bleed.

"Come with me." I said before holding his hand. He tried to let go but I just hold his hand tighter.My house is near the palace so it easy to brought him here.

"We should clean your wound." I said when We reach my home,I just let him sit on my bed, so I can find a medicine that I can use.

As I rummaged through my belongings, searching for supplies to tend to Niki's wound, my mind raced with conflicting emotions. Here was a man I had made only as a character in stories, now bleeding in my own home. Despite his role as a villain, I couldn't ignore the sight of his pain, nor the instinctive urge to help him. I shouldn't be doing this, this isn't supposed to be on the story but I just can let a person bleed.

Finding a first aid kit tucked away in a drawer, I quickly returned to his side, my hands trembling slightly as I began to clean the wound. Niki winced in discomfort, but remained silent, his gaze fixed somewhere in the distance.

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