Chapter 8

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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as I stirred from my slumber. The events of the previous days weighed heavily on my mind, lingering like a dark cloud on the horizon.

As I dressed and gathered my belongings, a knock echoed through the room, interrupting my thoughts. With a sense of trepidation, I crossed the room and opened the door, revealing an unfamiliar faces standing on the threshold.

"Oh,hi how can I help you?" I ask.

"Good morning Lady hera , I'm Irene I will be your lady in waiting from now on and I brought other maids that will help you in this house." With a confused look on my face , I guess she read what's on my mind.

"The crown prince is the one who ordered us to serve you my lady." She said while smiling.

"Why would he do such thing ,I'm just a commoner?" I didn't realized I said it out loud.

"It was his younger brother idea at first, when he heard his brother, he immediately call us and tell us to be by your side and to serve you since you are living all alone in your house." After I heard it . It looks like I can't do anything about it. Good thing my house has a lot of extra rooms.

"Please come in, make yourself feel at home."I said before I open the door widely.

"Thank you , Lady hera." They said before they bow. One by one they enter my house. The 5 of them goes to one of the vacant room.

With Irene and the other maids settled into their new quarters, a sense of warmth and companionship filled the once-empty halls of my home. It felt so new...

"Lady let us help you ,with your hair." Irene suddenly said when they saw me getting ready and fixing mg hair on the mirror.

I smiled gratefully at Irene and the other maids, touched by their kindness. As they gathered around me, their gentle hands worked wonders, weaving my hair into intricate braids and adorning it with delicate flowers. With each stroke of their brushes and each whispered word of encouragement, I felt a sense of belonging that I hadn't experienced in a long time.

Why do I have this deja vu feeling that things like this was so familiar? It's the first time that I experience something like this.

"Thank you," I murmured

"our pleasure, Lady Hera," Irene replied, her smile warm and genuine. "We're here to serve you in any way we can."

With their help, I felt like a princess preparing for a grand ball, despite the mundane reality of my life. As they finished styling my hair and helping me with my attire, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had taken place within me.

As we reached the bottom of the staircase, I found myself face to face with Ni-ki the crown prince, how did he get in here? Isn't he supposed to be on the palace because of the issue that was spreading , a look of surprise crossing his features as he took in my appearance. For a moment, we simply stood there, lost in each other's gaze, before he spoke.

You look... stunning," he said with his deep voice.

"Your majesty why are you here? " I ask.

"Everyone is believing that I planned it, they thought I'm starting a rebellion for me to become the king already. " he said before he sat on my sofa not minding the maids that he sent here.

A thought came to my mind." Do you know who did it? " I was waiting for his reaction until he nod at my question.

"Then why don't you tell the truth to everyone, Do you love her already that much that's why you protect that person? " I can't help but said my thoughts.... I know he love her the first tine he saw her that's how I make their connection on my novel.. He fall in love with her at first sight.

"Love isn't on my language, I don't fall in-love..." he took a step closer to me before there is almost no space between us..

"As a crown prince I can't just said and blame someone who's also has a power..." He whisper to my ears.. That gives me shiver all over my body...

His words sent a shiver down my spine, his proximity unsettling yet strangely exhilarating. I could feel the weight of his gaze on me, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken truths between us.

"But Ni-ki, if you know who's behind all of this, shouldn't you do something about it?" I pressed, my voice barely above a whisper as I struggled to maintain my composure.

Ni-ki's expression softened, a hint of vulnerability flickering in his eyes. "I wish it were that simple," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret. "But in the world of politics and power, things are never as straightforward as they seem. There are alliances to consider, consequences to weigh..."

"This might be the last time I will saw you, I will be locked up on the palace. " he said before he smile at me.... A fake smile.

"Then I will visit you sometimes in the palace. " I said without thinking too much.

"A palace is a place that was easy to enter... But trust me palace is a lonely place. " He said before he pat my head.

As Ni-ki's words hung in the air, a heavy silence settled between us, punctuated only by the soft sound of our breathing. I couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that gripped my heart, a sense of impending doom that loomed on the horizon. Why does he show me his soft side.

With a heavy heart, I watched as Ni-ki took his leave, disappearing into the morning sunlight with the weight of the world on his shoulders. As I stood there, alone in the quiet solitude of my home, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for us

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