Chapter 15

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"Goodmorning, Rise and shine your majesty." I said as I open the curtain on his dark room.

"H-hera?"  He said while he was looking at me.
I almost forgot he doesn't know that I will be his private servant now.

"Yes your majesty." I said while smiling widely. His facial expression is so funny.

"What are you doing here?" He said before he look around his room.

"Well as you can see ,I move here with my maid and I'm your private servant starting today , and to answer you other question the king approved it." I said before smiling at him.

"The king Approved it? How ?" he asked, still trying to process what I had said.

"Well the king is kind to hired me as your private servant." I jokingly said which made him look at me. "Shall I help you get ready now for the day, Your Majesty?" I happily said before he started to get up of his bed.

"Well then, I guess the palace won't be so quiet anymore." He said before he sit on the chair near the cabinet .

"I'll make you the most handsome prince today." I said before I started to fix his hair and put a little make up on him.

As I began to work on his appearance, I could sense his calm self at the idea of having a private servant. I know this is also the first time someone serve him privately like he own that person.

"You'll dazzle everyone with your charm today, Your Majesty," I reassured him, smoothing down his hair and adding the finishing touches to his makeup.

He glanced at his reflection in the mirror and gave a reluctant smile. "Well, I have a private servant now, I suppose I'm lucky it's you, Hera."

I couldn't help but grin at his acceptance. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Now, shall we get you dressed for the day ahead?"

He will have a breakfast with the king today, While I will be hiding my identity to everyone by wearing something on my face that only my eyes can be seen. It's a secret agreement between me and the king.

"You're all done your majesty." I said happily. He look stunning with his outfit.

"Well should we get going to the dinning room now?" He said before he looks at me.

"We should." I said before I put some cloth on my face .

"Why are you hiding your face?"

"I'm a private servant of yours and I don't want anyone to see me." I said that just made him nod.

He seemed to understand my need for anonymity, nodding in acceptance as we made our way to the dining room. As we walked through the palace corridors, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of serving him and being part of his world.

Entering the grand dining hall, we were greeted by the king, who smiled warmly at us. "Ah, there you are, my son. And to your private servant, I see you're already hard at work."

I bowed respectfully, keeping my face hidden beneath the cloth. "Good morning, Your Majesty. I am at your service."

The king gestured for us to take our seats, and as the meal began, I discreetly attended to the prince's needs, making sure he was comfortable and well looked after.

As I continued to serve the prince , I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind. Everything appeared to be running smoothly, but there was a subtle tension in the air that I couldn't quite pinpoint.

I discreetly observed the interactions between the prince and the king, searching for any clues or signs of trouble. Despite their outward cordiality, there seemed to be an underlying tension between them, a strain in their smiles and a stiffness in their posture.

As the breakfast came to an end and we prepared to leave the dining hall i can't help but glance at Ni-ki. He looks calm but i can say that he has alot of thoughts in his head.

When we already reach his room, he grab a paper and show it to me.

"Can you read this this?" He suddenly as that made me shake my head. Their writtings are different from what I know although we just speak the same one.

"Well then, from now on , I will teach you how to write and read. Palace is not a safe place, I know you can feel something was off when we are eating breakfast." I was caught off guard when I heard what he said.

"You're a crown prince, so why are you going to taught me how to read and write?" I said hoping he change his mind.

"You're my private servant,which means you are already my property." He said before I caught him smirk. Damn why does he look so freaking handsome when he does that. there was an underlying intensity in his gaze that made me realize there was more to him than met the eye.

"Well then it's a plessure for me to be taught by you your majesty." He let me sit on the chair near the table while he grab more paper and pen.

"We will start with the basic." He said .

As the prince began our lesson, I tried my best to focus on the symbols he was showing me, but his close proximity and the intensity of his presence made it difficult to concentrate. His warm breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine, distracting me from the task at hand.

"Do you understand?" he asked, breaking the silence that had settled between us. I felt a flush of embarrassment as I realized I hadn't been paying attention.

"I... I'm sorry, Your Majesty," I stammered, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I'm trying my best, but it's all so new to me." In lied a little bit, I can't say that I've been distracted by him.

The prince's expression change, and he reached out to gently place a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright. Learning takes time, and I'm here to help you every step of the way."

His touch sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I couldn't help but meet his gaze, getting lost in the depths of his eyes. Despite the complexities of our roles and the secrets that surrounded us, in that moment, it felt as though we were the only two people in the world.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," I whispered, my voice barely above a breath.

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