Chapter 22

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The night was restless, plagued by fragmented dreams and a nagging sense of unease. Images of shadows creeping through the palace corridors and whispers of dark magic haunted my sleep, leaving me tossing and turning in my bed.

As dawn broke, I awoke with a start, the remnants of the unsettling night still lingering in my mind. I prepared myself for another day in the palace.

Upon reaching the King's chambers, I was relieved to find him awake and seemingly in better spirits. His recovery was a welcome sight.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," I greeted him with a smile, trying to push aside the lingering doubts and concerns from the previous day.

"You're early today, did you not sleep well?" the king ask, making me just smile at him.

"I just woke up earlier your majesty."

Everything was just like a normal day except for the fact that I'm the one bringing the Tea of the King and his food.

While looking at the King, an image suddenly pop out of my mind.. Ni-ki was the one wearing the crown and holding a sword that that was full of blood.

I suddenly panic a little because it felt so real... It was one of the scene I made on the novel before I decide for the supposed ending of it.

"Do you need to rest? You suddenly become pale." the king said which made me goes back to my sense.

"I think i will just rest for a while, I'll get going now your majesty." i said before i leave his room.

As i walked toward my room , I bumped into someone, when I was about to continue walking that person grab my hand that's why I'm look who it was.

"Let go of my hand Prince Jake." I said while trying to free my hands from him.

"Why are you so scared of me I'm not doing anything bad." He said while smiling at me , like he was enjoying my reaction.

"I'm not feeling well , I'm going to my room so can you just let my hand go." I said before someone grab me from Jake....

When I smell a familiar scent I already know who's the one who help me get away from Jake's grip.

"You're no fun , brother, I just wanted to talk and have some time with her since she's also my friend." He said before I saw a glimps of some black aura on his eyes which only lasted for a seconds.

"Didn't you hear what she said? She's not feeling well."Ni-ki said before he walk away with me.

"Enjoy everything now Ni-ki , who knows maybe someday I will be the King instead of you." We heard Jake said before we get away from the hall.

"You ok?" He said while scanning my arm.

"I'm fine ,just a little bit dizzy." I said.

"Did you have trouble sleeping last night?" He suddenly ask before put his hand on my forehead.

"I just had a bad dream."

"Sleep in my room for now, my room is safe from dark magic , shadows and aura." He said like he knew something  but he doesn't want to say it.

As we entered Ni-ki's room, a sense of calm washed over me, soothing the residual unease from the unsettling night. His room indeed felt different, it feels so calm unlike my room which has a dark feeling.

"Thank you, Ni-ki," I murmured gratefully, sinking onto the plush cushions of his sofa... my eyes are getting heavier maybe because due to lack of sleep that's why when I'm on the soft sofa I drifted to sleep immediately.

"Don't be fooled hera, open your eyes and see who's real and who's not." I heard someone say.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I will say this once , Hera you're the only one who protect everyone. Prepare yourself, don't be fooled,open your eyes and let your heart feel what's real and what's not." The voice suddenly faded .

I awoke to the gentle sound of Ni-ki's voice, his hand softly shaking my shoulder. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found myself enveloped in the warm cocoon of his room, the lingering unease from the night before dissipating in the morning light.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Ni-ki chuckled softly, his eyes filled with concern. "Feeling any better?"

"Yes thank you." I said softly.

Ni-ki's lips curved into a knowing smile, but he didn't press further on the matter. Instead, he gestured towards the small table where a tray of food awaited, a thoughtful gesture that should warmed my heart but instead it felt different.

"Thought you might be hungry," he said, pouring a cup of steaming tea and placing it in front of me.

As we sat together, sharing a quiet meal amidst the serenity of his room, I couldn't shake the feeling that Ni-ki held secrets beyond what he revealed. But for now, in his company, I felt safe and protected, grateful for his unwavering friendship in the midst of uncertainty.

Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask when i felt his gaze on me.

"I'm just glad you look better now after the rest." He said before he smile.

"When will you teach me to write and read ?" I don't know but that question just came out of my mouth like I shouldn't had ask that cause he already teaches me about it.

"A royalty can't teach someone to write or read, even if I want to teach you , everything will turn bad if we got the same hand writing." He said that made me stop for a while.

My heart start beating faster... how can he say it like that... he already teaches me and wanted me to have the same handwriting as him .

I secretly hold my knife on my pocket before I face him...

"You're not the real crown prince , where is he?" I ask , but before I could even point mg knife on him a black smoke came out.

"I didn't know how did you manage to know that I'm not the real crown prince." He said , I couldn't speak nor move my body it felt like he's controling me.

"Aww don't worry you'll see him soon." He said before he smile devilishly at me.

"You'll pay for this." I said before the black smoke consume all of me and everything became dark.

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