Chapter 19

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Ni-ki didn't let me leave my room for the whole week, due to the reason that my body needs a rest.... Therefore little did he know I was sneaking at the palace libarary at night.. I don't know I just thought maybe I can find something on it, like a gut feeling.

Like now I am looking at a dusty shelf, It was full of old book about the dark tower, some story about powerful mage that existed before the 1st king of this land killed it.

"This is all I can read every night, Isn't their any book that can actually help me with something that was bothering my mind." I silently whisper to myself, since the day that I woke up after I got poison the dream that I forgot keeps on bothering me.. Like it felt like it's connected to me in some ways.

"Hera?" I Got shocked and drop the book I was holding when I heard someone speak.

"oh, greetings Prince Jake." what a bar timing, before I like him as my novel character but now, I don't even want to talk to him.

"what are you doing in this library? It's pretty late already and the palace is already dark." he said before he walks toward me.

"uh I can't fall asleep so I think about finding a book to read." I hope he believe what I had said.

He slowly nod and look at me again. It somehow made me feel uncomfortable, I can also feel a dark shadow around him or I'm just being paranoid.

"You look ok now, that's great, My brother panic when you got poison." he suddenly said.

"Yes, I'm fine now." I don't know what I would say to him, it's not like i should talk to him but, I also don't know what I should answer him.. I also don't know what is his other plan for his brother.

"Don't you know the one who died for putting poison on the drink that you drank was the King first love? The lady who chose to serve the King even though she knows The King can't marry her because she doesn't have a royal blood." I don't know why he's saying this to me.

"All I know is that she's the head maid in this palace." i didn't lie though that is the only thing I know about her... Buy ne thing for sure is that, someone just ordered her to served the tea, I don't think she can poison anyone because after all she serve the king.. Which in the end also killed her by hanging her.

Jake's gaze held a hint of something unreadable, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Indeed, a tragic loss. But sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good." he smirk that makes me felt shiver all over my body.. I can't believe that he's a little creepy.

"I should head back to my room," I said, attempting to excuse myself from his presence. "I'll  get going now Prince Jake."

He nodded, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes forming on his lips. "Take care, Lady Hera. And remember, not everything is as it seems. Sometimes you need to cheat for you to get what you want. "

With those cryptic words lingering in the air, I hurried back to my room, feeling a sense of unease settle over me. What  ever was  Prince Jake trying to imply... It only mean one thing they had a lot of plan to bring Ni-ki down and I won't let them win on that.

That night, sleep eluded me once again as I tossed and turned in bed, my mind filled with questions and uncertainties.

The next day I woke up early due to the  Noise outside of the room.

"Oh, did you got awake because of the noises outside?" Irene said as she saw me getting out of my bed.

"what was the noise about, why does it feel like a lot of people are outside?" I ask her.

"The king suddenly collapse this morning. And everyone was panicking, they also called a mage so they can heal the king." I thought mages are already not alive in this time?? I also didn't made any mages character on this novel of mine so where did they came from?

Trying to push aside my doubts and focus on the situation at hand, I hurriedly dressed and made my way out of the room. The palace was abuzz with activity, servants rushing back and forth with worried expressions etched on their faces.

Irene caught up to me as I navigated through the corridors towards the king's chambers. "Lady Hera, perhaps it's best if you stay away for now. The situation is quite chaotic," she advised, concern evident in her voice.

"Don't worry about me, I would also go look for the crown prince." I replied to her as I walk faster.

"The crown prince is near on f
The palace lake." I nodded at what she said, guess I just go to where be is.. I wonder if he's ok? Knowing that the King collapsed I'm sure he's not feeling well,, he may act like a brave guy but he has a soft heart for his father he.'s not just showy about it.

As I made my way towards the palace lake, my mind raced with concern for Ni-ki and the sudden collapse of the king. The chaotic atmosphere in the palace only added to my unease, but I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on finding Ni-ki.

When I reached the serene shores of the palace lake, a scene unfolded before me that made my heart sink. Ni-ki stood there, his usually confident demeanor replaced by a look of worry and sorrow. Around him was falling leaves of tree.

Ni-ki noticed my approach and turned towards me, his eyes tired but filled with determination. "Hera, why  are you here? How did you know i was here?" instead of answering his question i walk toward him and hug him tight.

"you can let go of your tears, I'll just stay by your side until you are okay." I said while tapping his back.

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