Chapter 13

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As Park Sunghoon sat down opposite of me, his demeanor still guarded, I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on us. I needed to choose my words carefully.

"I need your help, Sunghoon," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside me. "As you know, Ni-ki has been falsely accused of treason,You know very well that he was innocent right? I can prove it to the king if you can help me."

Sunghoon's eyes narrowed slightly. "What evidence do you have?"

"I don't have proof in my hand but I can prove everything with my words." he suddenly laugh at me and look at me like I said the mist rediculous thing.

"That's not a valid evidence, you're wasting my time." He was about to turn his back on me when I grab his hand.

"Prince Sunghoon, please I hope you help me this time, I know you care about the crown prince, I know you know that he's been being tortured and locked up."His cold stares met my eyes again.

For a long moment, silence hung heavy in the air between us as Sunghoon wrestled with his conscience. Then, to my relief, he sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping in resignation.

"Very well," he said, his voice resigned but determined. "I will accompany you to the king's chambers today, but I cannot guarantee that he will listen to you. "

I nodded gratefully, a surge of hope coursing through me. With Sunghoon's assistance, I had a fighting chance of reaching the king and presenting our case for Ni-ki's innocence.

Hours had passed and now only me and Sunghoon are left in this tea house.  The others people here already left since It's 9am already.

"Wait for me outside." I just nodded at him.

When I'm already outside , everything sink on my mind. I can't believe he helps the owner of the house to serve tea, he's here not to have a tea but to help. Furthermore he has a very strpng aura no wonder he was the best knight that Ni-ki had.

Minutes had passed and He finally goes out of the tea house wearing his uniform. Now that I see him with his suit , he was a very handsome royal knight.

"I know I'm handsome ,stop staring at me lady."  I can't believe he just said that but then I can feel my face turning into a tomatoe because of embarassment.

As we walked toward the palace many people greet him and he just nod at them back, what a cold person he is. Although he was kind, and a trustworthy person if he treasure you.

When we finally got to enter the palace everything was so quite, until we reach a one big door that was full of gold.

"We're here , wait for me I will enter first." He said before he knock on the door and enter it.

As I waited outside the grand door, my heart raced with anticipation.But I refused to let fear consume me, focusing instead on the task at hand: convincing the king of Ni-ki's innocence.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours, each passing moment heightening my anxiety. What if Sunghoon couldn't persuade the king? What if our efforts were in vain, and Ni-ki remained imprisoned and eventually ended up being killed like what  happen on my novel. I can't let that happen not now that I can see the true color of the character I once made as a perfect lead one.  They are just good at hiding their dark shadow.

Just as doubt began to grew at the edges of my resolve, the grand doors creaked open, and Sunghoon emerged from the king's chambers. His expression was inscrutable as he motioned for me to enter.

"It's your turn," he said simply, his tone betraying nothing of the conversation that had taken place inside.

With a deep breath, I stepped through the threshold and into the opulent chamber beyond. The king sat upon his throne, his gaze piercing as it met mine.  It gives me shiever , his gaze was exactly like Ni-ki , it was full of power and authority.

"Your Majesty," I began, my voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in my chest.

"What is it that you want to say?" I keep my composure even though my hands are sweating from neervousness.

"I will be direct to the point, You believe that the crown prince are planning a rebellion and wanted you dead so he can be the king already right." I pause before I look at him in the eye. "What if I told you that the crown prince is innocent and someone was just making him look bad."  The king stand up on his trone and walked toward me.

"And what's your  evidence? How can I believe a commoner like you." He said when he stop infront of me.

"I might not have an evidence but I can prove that I'm saying the truth... like Lusi I also has a divine power, I can predict the future and see it." That's the only thing I think can make the King trust me.

"Divine power you say?" He laugh before his gaze goes back at me. " A commoner who isn't a member of the temple will have a divine power? What a nonsense, did Ni-ki send you here?"

"You invested on the Temple Ship , it will sink 1 day after it sail on the sea." I pause for a little. "no one know you invested , because you keep it as a secret."

"you are just wasting my time."

"You are sick, no one knows it, you make yourself look healthy.... is that enough your majesty?" I was calm now, I have the conteol since I know his secret.

"I would spare Ni-ki's punishment for now , but if the ship didn't sink you will be punished with him ." He said before he signal me to go out.

I walk out with a relief on my self, The king will trust me after this. 5 days from now that ship will sink on the bottom of the sea with all the money people donated.

When I am finally outside I saw sunghoon waiting on the other side.

"How did it go?" He ask

"The talk goes well, we just need to wait , and Ni-ki's punishment will be stop for now." I said before I smile.

"That's good to hear." He stop for a while before he look at the sky. " I hope everything goes well."

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