Chapter 9

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Despite the lingering uncertainty, life in the mansion continued with an air of newfound camaraderie. Irene and the other maids bustled about the house, their cheerful chatter filling the once-empty halls with warmth and laughter. With each passing day, I found myself growing accustomed to their presence, grateful for the companionship they provided in this unfamiliar world.

Yet, beneath the facade of normalcy, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Ni-ki's revelation weighed heavily on my mind, casting a shadow of doubt over our fleeting encounter. As much as I tried to push the thought aside, it lingered like a stubborn ghost, haunting my every waking moment.

Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of Ni-ki. The palace remained a distant fortress, its towering walls separating us like a gaping chasm.

"I never heard about the crown prince since he become locked up on the palace." I heard Irene and the other maid talking.

"while buying some thing, I heard that Lady Lusi always visit him..Maybe the marriage of them will really happen soon." I heard one of the maid said before they saw me.

"Lady Hera, you are close to the crown prince right?Is it true that lady lusi is the one he will be marrying to?" I laugh a little since people here are like people in my world they like to know some news about a person.

"We are a good friend but I don't know if he would marry lady lusi." I know the story of course and even if he would marry her,it somehow didn't feel right.... Maybe because Lusi was one of the person who spoke bad about him behind his back.

"you two are much better couple than lady lusi." I heard one of the maid said I forgot her name but she is the youngest.

"didn't you say you will visit him? Since he got locked up you didn't visit him even a single time lady." Irene said that makes me sigh i did say that I will visit him..

"The palace is not that easy to enter now since the crown prince been locked up, I don't have the privilege to visit it." I said before I look at myself....

As I glanced at my reflection in the polished surface of the mirror, an idea began to form in the recesses of my mind. Perhaps, if I couldn't visit Ni-ki in the palace as myself, I could find a way to enter under a different disguise.

I look at irene the same time she looks at me like we both think the same way.

"If lady can't enter the palace, then a maid can enter, We need to lend you a clothes." Irene giggle. As she said what's currently on my mind.

As I select a simple yet sophisticated ensemble, comprised of a crisp white blouse, a flowing black skirt, and a delicate lace apron. With my disguise in place, Irene and I set about perfecting the details, adjusting the fit of the uniform and adding the finishing touches to ensure that I blended in seamlessly with the palace staff. With each passing moment, my confidence grew, bolstered by Irene's unwavering support and encouragement.

Finally, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the mansion grounds, I stood before the gates of the palace, my heart pounding in my chest with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

"You can do this, Lady Hera," Irene whispered, her voice filled with confidence. "Just remember to stay calm and act natural. You've got this."

With a deep breath, I pushed open the heavy doors of the palace and stepped into the grand foyer, my pulse racing fast.

As I made my way through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, my senses were assailed by the opulence and grandeur that surrounded me. Intricately carved tapestries adorned the walls, while crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow upon the marble floors.

"Are you the new assign maid for the crown prince?" I was holding my breath when someone suddenly speak behind me.

"Ah,y-yes I am." I said before I look at her. It looks like she was  the head maid since she was wearing different uniform.

"Follow me." She said as she slowly walked toward the other side of the palace, she handed me a herbal medicine that makes me clueless.

While holding the herbal medicine we stop on a very different door, it was rusty and it looks like it's been ages since someone use this room.

"Go inside, the crown prince is inside." She said as she watch me go inside the room quietly.

When I enter the room, I can't help but cough. It was dark and the room only had a little window that produce a very little light. Furthermore it smell like blood in here.

I wall toward the bed that I can see, I saw a figure laying on it. I'm sure it's the crown prince.

When I manage to be close to the bed, I can't help but be shocked on what I saw... he has bruised all over his body. His bruised are fresh .

"Ni-ki your majesty can you hear me?" I panicking ask while checking his pulse.

"Hmm." He started to open his eyes and smile weekly at me.

"What brings you here today, I'm not in a good condition today, I'm sorry you see me in this kind of state." Even though he was in pain , his voice still sound calming.

"Don't move." I said when he tried to sit on the bed.

" Does it hurt?" I said while applying the herbal medicine on his body.

"I already use to it." He pause a little before he get the herbal medecine on my hand. "This will leave a scar." He  said before he apply the herbal medicine on his chest.

"It will leave a scar for sure looking at how deep your bruised are." I softly whisper.

"I can endure everything....." He said before he fix my hair before looking at my eye.

"I have a reason to lived right." He said before he show me his genuine smile.

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