Chapter 16

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As the days passed, the crown Prince Ni-ki and I continued our secret lessons in reading and writing, With each passing lesson, I found myself drawn further into the depths of his intellect , unable to resist the magnetic pull he exerted over me. When did I ever made him this intelligent no wonder he was the crown prince, he knows everything so well.

"I'm done with today lesson." I said before I show him my writing.

"Well done." He said while looking at the paper. " our handwriting is almost similar ."

"I just go get your tea your majesty." I said before I excuse myself since it's already time for his tea.

As I made my way to the kitchen to prepare Prince Ni-ki's tea, my mind buzzed with thoughts of our lessons.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice the figure lurking in the shadows until it was too late. With a sudden lurch, a hand clamped over my mouth, stifling my cries of alarm as I was dragged into a secluded alcove.

"Shh, Hera, it's me," a familiar voice whispered urgently in my ear, and I felt ahiver through my blood I recognized Prince Ni-ki's voice.

"Why do you follow me here , your majesty?" I ask while looking at him.

"I just felt some black shadows." He said that made me look around, I thought I'm just thenone who felt it.

"You should go inside your room now, I'll just finish making your tea." I said before I smile , I don't know I just don't felt right about this.

The prince hesitated for a moment, his eyes scanning the dimly lit corridor with a wary expression. "Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded reassuringly, though my heart still raced with unease. "I'll be fine, Your Majesty. Just hurry back to your chambers," I urged, my voice barely above a whisper. It's not like it's dangerous here.

With a lingering glance, Prince Ni-ki reluctantly nodded and disappeared down the corridor, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the lingering sense of foreboding that had settled over me like a dark cloud. As I busied myself with preparing the tea.

As the tea brewed, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Every creak of the old castle seemed amplified, and every shadow danced with hidden intent. Despite my efforts to calm myself, a sense of unease gnawed at my insides.

"this is nothing.". I keep telling on myself.. I never make something scary in this story.... Furthermore there is no event today that's why nothing can happen.

Just as I poured the steaming tea into a delicate porcelain cup, a soft voice behind me sent my heart leaping into my throat. "Lady Hera, are you alright?"

I spun around to find Irene, one of the My maid, standing at the kitchen doorway with a concerned expression. "Irene, you startled me," I breathed out, trying to steady my nerves.


Apologies, Lady. I couldn't help but notice that you seemed troubled. " Irene said, stepping closer with a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing, just a momentary fright," I replied, forcing a smile despite the lingering unease. "I'll take the tea to Prince Ni-ki right away."

"should I help you lady? i also find ypu to give this letter to you." Irene handed me a letter that has a sealed of the King.

"Did the king gave this?" she just nodded at my question.

"Yes, and lady all of the maids started to become busy so suddenly. It's like a big event will happen." I suddenly look at Irene because of what she had said.

"Event you say?" I can't remember some event that will happen.. Did I forgot something?

"Yes, I also heard Lady Lusi will be here today wuth the high priest." realization hit me when I heard what she said.

"Can you give this to Prince Ni-ki, I will just get something from my room." I said before I ran toward the hall.

I hope I'm wrong because, This event shouldn't be happening this fast, this should happen on the autumn it's just spring today.. Why does the timeline look like a mess right now.

"where did I put my notes?" I said when I open my drawer. I look around my room for a while until I saw it.

"That's weird, why does my room look so messy and my things are all re-arranged?" i said while looking around.

I just silently sat on my bed and look at my notes.. When I found what I was looking for only one thing came  to my  mind.

"I need go to Ni-ki I should keep him safe today." i hurriedly came to his room.. the event that will soon to happen today was poisoning I need to keep him safe.

When I reached Prince Ni-ki's door, I knocked urgently and entered without waiting for a response. The prince looked up from his tea, surprise flickering in his eyes at my uncharacteristic haste.

"why are you in a hurry, what's wrong?" he asked, setting down his cup and rising from his seat.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for the intrusion, but I believe you should stay here for the whole day" I blurted out.

"But I received a letter from the king that I will attend the tea gathering meeting today, I heard Irene also gave you the Kings Letter, haven't you read it?" that's the only time I realize I didn't read what's written on the letter.

"I didn't read it, but looking at it now, It's  right a tea gathering, Your Highness," I replied.. I can't help but feel uncomfortable because the timeline of event changes and I don't know what can go wrong.

Without hesitation, Prince Ni-ki stand up on his chair and walked closer to me.

"Hmm Do you not want me to go?" he whisper to my ears which made me felt shiver all over my body.

"Y-your majesty it's not like that." I said before trying to look away because he was too close to me.

"well then we will go together." he said before he smirk at me while walking back to his bed.

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