Chapter 17

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The prince's decision to attend the tea gathering meeting alongside me filled me with a mixture of relief and apprehension. On one hand, I was grateful that he would be under my watchful eye throughout the event, hopefully safe from any potential dangers. On the other hand, the unease about the sudden change in the timeline and the mysterious rearrangement of my room lingered like a shadow over my thoughts.

As we prepared for the gathering, the castle buzzed with activity. Servants hurried preparing everything, making sure everything was in place for the royal event. Prince Ni-ki, ever composed, seemed unfazed by the sudden shift in plans, his demeanor regal and confident.

"I still can't shake off the feeling that something is amiss," I confessed to the prince as we made our way to the grand hall where the gathering would take place.

"You worry too much, Hera," he replied with a reassuring smile. "We'll be surrounded by guards and attendants. What could possibly go wrong?"

His words were meant to comfort me, yet they only served to heighten my sense of dread. The events of the day felt too orchestrated, too perfect, as if someone were pulling strings behind the scenes.

As we entered the grand hall, the atmosphere was festive, with nobles and dignitaries mingling, their laughter and chatter filling the air. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and delicate pastries wafted around us, adding to the ambience of the gathering. I thought only the high priest and princess hera will be here but a lot of people are inside tha palace.

I kept a close eye on Prince Ni-ki, still warring somethin that can clover m face, observing his interactions with other guests while discreetly scanning the room for any signs of trouble. Everything appeared normal, yet my instincts screamed otherwise.

Just as I began to relax slightly, a commotion near the entrance caught my attention. A group of unfamiliar faces, cloaked in dark attire, entered the hall with purposeful strides. Their presence sent a ripple of unease through the crowd, whispers of concern spreading like wildfire.

After a couple of minutes the King finally enter the hall. He walk toward us.

"thank you all got coming enjoy the tea everyone." he said before he raise his glass up.

When Ni-ki was about to drink his tea.. I suddenly saw something different from his tea.. The color texture of it look so different.

"you can't drink this tea your majesty." i said.

"why not? Everyone is drinking the same."He said before he looks around.
before  he can drink even a  single drip. Grab the glass on his hand  and drank all of it.

"how dare a maid, act like that toward the crown prince. Go get her out of this room!!" I heard the high priest said that makes everyone look at my direction.

I just look down, feeling uneasy like something inside of me was burning,, it makes me felt to hot and want to vomit.

When the guard held both of my hand, i can't speak even a little because they might see blood coming out of my mouth because of that tea, i can already taste blood on my mouth... I knew it the tea has a poison.. I should get out here before they see it..

"stop, she's my personal maid get your hands of her." i heard ni-ki said as he look at me.

"get her out, even if she's your personal maid she has no manner,, she must be pusnished." the high priest said that made me look at him a little.. need to get out of here.

"if she leave then I will leave." Ni-ki said before he pointed his sword on the guard who's still holding me.

"enough with fighting, let the maid decide." I heard the King said.

As much as I wanted to speak, I can't open mu mouth I just wanted to run to go outside so they won't see me.. My body is started to feel weak.

"why don't you say something? Tell them you won't leave this hall." i heard Ni-ki said.

I tried to say something when everything just started to get blurry, all I can see is that  Ni-ki was holding me before I fall  while blood keep coming out if my mouth.

The room spun around me, voices blending into a cacophony of noise as darkness threatened to consume my senses. Prince Ni-ki's panicked voice reached me, distant yet filled with urgency.

"Someone fetch a healer, quickly!" he shouted, his normally composed demeanor shattered by the sudden turn of events.

I struggled to remain conscious, my vision blurring as I felt Prince Ni-ki's strong arms supporting me. The taste of blood lingered in my mouth, a grim reminder of the poison that had tainted the tea meant for the prince.

"I-I tried to warn you," I managed to whisper, my voice barely audible amidst the chaos.

"Don't speak, Hera. Save your strength," Prince Ni-ki urged, his voice laced with concern."I didn't know. Sorry."

The commotion in the hall escalated as guards rushed to secure the area and attend to the unfolding crisis. The high priest's accusations hung in the air,
While everyone is looking at me for being poison.

As the healer arrived and began assessing my condition, I fought to stay conscious, before darkness claimed me completely. With great effort, I managed to grasp Prince Ni-ki's hand, locking eyes with him in a silent plea for understanding.

"It was the tea," I murmured, my words slurred. "Someone... someone tampered with it.someone wanted to poison you be careful.

Ni-ki's expression darkened, his grip on my hand tightening. "We will get to the bottom of this," he vowed, his voice filled with resolve.

"WHO EVER TRIED TO PUT POISON ON MY TEA, WILL BE BEATEN TO DEATH!!! " that's the last thing i heard that he said before I become unconscious.

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