Chapter 12

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The next morning, I awoke with a sense of urgency, knowing that Irene would be delivering my message to Ni-ki at the palace. Though I couldn't accompany her, I trusted her to carry out the task with diligence and discretion.

As the day wore on, my thoughts remained consumed by Ni-ki's plight. I couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out because they are already making a move, Lusi and Jake's plans were already set in motion.

Hours passed in a blur of restless anticipation, until finally, as the sun began to sink below the horizon once more, Irene returned to the mansion.

"Did you deliver the message?" I asked eagerly as she entered my room, her expression grave.

"Yes, my lady," she replied solemnly.but she looks like she's not fine.

"What happened?" I said, my voice was calm.

"I managed to slip the message to the crown prince Ni-ki, but when I saw him, he was in a terrible state, he was all beaten up and coughting blood." Irene explained, her eyes filled with concern. " there are also a wild rumors spreading that he's been plotting against the king , maids there said the king found a evidence , that's why they must not let him out if that terrible room until he surrender himself."

A chill ran down my spine at her words, a cold realization dawning within me. Lusi and Jake's plan had succeeded , but how they did it so fast, they are just talking about it yesterday – they had framed Ni-ki for treason, what evidence did they find? ensuring his downfall and securing their own grip on his power.

I refused to let Ni-ki become a pawn in their game of thrones.

"You can get out now , Irene." I said before she bows at me and leave my room.

I grab a pen and a paper , I will write down everything that will happen in the future all of the events. No matter how they saw this, they won't understand my writing anyway.

1) Crown prince meeting with Lusi (/)
2) Being locked up because of the attempt assasination (/)
3) Poisoning of the King's tea ( )
4) War being held , they will let the crown prince fight ( )
5) Prince being attacked ( )
6) The crown prince title being removed ( )
7) The king being killed ( )
8) bloody war of the two prince ( )

This is the only event that I should be aware off. For now I needed to clear the rumors about the crown prince planning a rebellion, but how can I do it? What evidence can I use?

As I pondered over the situation, a sudden realization struck me. There was one person who might hold the key to disproving the accusations against Ni-ki: the king himself.Even though the said evidence is on him, maybe I can prove to him that it was fake. If only I could somehow gain an audience with him, I might be able to appeal to his sense of justice and present evidence to refute the false claims.

But gaining access to the king would not be easy. His court was heavily guarded, and his advisors, including Lusi and Jake, were likely to prevent anyone from approaching him with contradictory information.

I needed a plan. Perhaps there was someone within the palace walls who could aid me, someone loyal to Ni-ki and willing to risk everything to save thw crown prince.

There is only one name that comes to my mind, why did I forgot about him, he was the most loyal person to Ni-ki even though everyone turn their back in him.

"Park Sunghoon." I silently said. He was a Prince from the north but he choose to serve the crown prince as a loyal guard of him. He was indeed a loyal and formidable ally to Ni-ki, someone who had stood by his side through thick and thin.

The next morning I search for a home with a sign " Warm Inn " that was near the palace that has a warm ambiance arouma , because that is where Sunghoon always go every morning to have some hot tea.

"Found it." I said happily while looking at the house. It was really warm , you can already feel it outside of the door.

As I enter a lot of men are inside and they all started to look at me, I should have bring Irene with me, their stares makes me uncomfortable.

"Are you here for a hot tea ? " one guy approach me. When I look at him I can't believe he was handsome.

"Oh ah yes I have some 1 tea, and do you know someone name park sunghoon here?" His expression suddenly change.

"Why are you looking for him?" Looks like he knows him based from his tone.

"I needed his help, I needed to talk to him." He looks at me from head to toe that makes me feel humiliated a little bit.

"I give you a clue of what he looks like , if you find him then you can ask for his help." He said that made me just nod.

"He has a medium length of hair, has a pale skin, he was tall, has a fang teeth like a vampire. That's all the clue , seat for a while I will prepare your tea." He just left after he said that. His bracelet also captured my interest it was shining.

How am I supposed to find him with that clue, all of the men that are here are tall , they all also have pale skin. Plus their hair are just all the same.

"This is ridiculous." I said as I sat on my chair .

While waiting for the tea I keep looking around to find him, Is their any clue that I only know to who's is Sunghoon here?

I keep on remembering the novel that I wrote until I remember a certain event. Why did I didn't think about it . It was in front of me all along.

"Here's your tea." I heard someone said before I saw my tea being place on my table.

"I didn't notice you have a diamond bracelet." I said while smiling at him.

" It's just a bracelet." He said before he started to turn his back on me.

"Diamond can be found here, no one is selling diamond bracelet here, except if you are from the north the one who own all of the diamonds. Diamonds are still aren't known right because it was the gem of the north kingdom. Am I right Park Sunghoon."  His shock expression said it all, I'm right he really is sunghoon.

"What did you want to talk about." He coldly say before he sat on the other chair of my table.

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