chapter 17

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Addy POV

Time blurred into a relentless stream of fear and uncertainty, each moment dragging on like an eternity as I languished in captivity. The walls of my prison seemed to close in around me, suffocating me with their oppressive weight.

But amidst the despair, a flicker of hope remained—a stubborn refusal to surrender to the darkness. I clung to the memories of Matthew, his love a beacon of light during the storm. Every beat of my heart echoed his name, a silent prayer for his safety, for our reunion. I refused to believe that this was the end—that somehow, someway, we would find our way back to each other.

matthew pov

As the hours stretched on, my resolve hardened, a steely determinationburning bright within me. No matter what trials lay ahead, I would never stopfighting for my freedom, for the chance to be reunited with the man I lovedmore than life itself. With that resolve firm in my heart, I braced myself forthe battle ahead. Addy may have been taken from me, but I refused to let her belost forever.

She was my light in the darkness, my reason to keep fighting, and I would move heaven and earth to bring her home safely. 

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