Entry 6

16 1 0

Dear Diary,

I'm feeling a mix of unexpected emotions that I don't quite understand. My witch and I went on a routine trip to get food and necessities. It was a typical trip to the grocery store and nothing else, but my mind has been wandering for hours.

Once we got everything we came for, Lillith let me pick a toy from the pet section; we passed a nonmagic woman with her cat. The old cat looked frail, tired, and gray; she looked old; her eyes were filled with the wisdom of a long and fulfilling life. This cat and her owner seemed to share a special bond like Lillith and I, a sight that should be happy. Seeing her made me realize that I, too, will grow old someday, and that thought filled me with a mix of emotions.

As a familiar, I have focused on learning and growing with my witch and helping her with her magic. Beyond our magical connection, we are a family. Lillith is my everything, and I am hers; what happens when I am too frail and tired to go on adventures or even a simple foraging trip? Seeing that elderly cat made me wonder how aging might impact my abilities and role as a familiar. I began to worry about whether I would still be able to assist my witch in the same way and whether she would still need me. Would she still want me?

It was a sobering moment for me; I haven't been able to stop thinking about these questions; my brain is loud, and I am unsure what to do.


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