Entry 13

13 1 0

Dear Diary,

Calm has to be the answer. We tried focusing our energy and meditating near the glimmer, and it started to take form!

Unfortunately, we became emotionally overwhelmed; we couldn't stay calm enough for it to open fully. We are trying again, and I will write again as soon as something happens.


We've done it; the portal is open. I thought I would feel excitement or joy, but all I feel is fear.

I am on watch, focusing on remaining calm in front of the portal as I write. Munin is gathering supplies. We don't have much of anything left, but we have to try at least; he says we have my grimoire to guide us in this place, but it proved useless in trying to open it. I don't see it being a big help once we are inside.

I have faith in my friend; I know he's gathering and foraging as fast as he possibly can, but having seen this thing close before, I can't help but feel a sense of time counting down against us.

Once we have settled inside this place- if we can settle there, I will try to write; I can't quite understand why I feel like writing is so important at a time like this but it's helping me stay calm.

I hear Munin on his way back, I hope this isn't my last entry.


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