Entry 23

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Dear Diary,

I'm not sure how to write this entry, but not writing it feels wrong. We made it past the gate and set up camp, but Crag didn't. I'm still reeling from the events. It feels as though the world has lost a little bit of its light, and I'm not sure how to process it all. But I know that I need to write it down to make sense of it all somehow and pay respect to our friend.

We had been traveling for days, making our way through the dense forest surrounded by the wall. Just as we were about to emerge from the trees, we heard him. Elze. We knew he was the one standing between us and the wall, the one we needed to get past. But we didn't know how we were going to do it.

Crag, our friend and comrade, was the first to act. When Elze's back was turned, he told us to run for the gate, and then he took off in the opposite direction, straight towards the enemy. We watched in horror as he cast spells and dodged attacks, all the while keeping Elze distracted and focused on him.

And then it happened. Elze released a powerful spell, one that Crag couldn't block. We watched as our friend fell to the ground, his eyes closing as he took his final breaths, a smile still on his face. Elze laughed. It was a terrible sound that will haunt me for the rest of my days. He yelled foul things at us, taunting us for our weakness and inability to save our friend. But we knew that Crag had not died in vain. His sacrifice had allowed us to pass through the gate, and that was something we would never forget.

We set up camp for the night, only a few feet from the opening in the wall we escaped through, trying to process all that had happened. We mourned our friend Crag and vowed to never forget him. And now, as I write this entry, I feel a sense of determination settling over me. Yes, we lost a friend, but we gained something, too—a renewed sense of purpose and even more reason to make it home.

We will make it to the city and find our girls, no matter what it takes, and we will honor Crag's memory every step of the way. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. I never meant for people to die for us, but I will be forever grateful for Crag. He did not deserve to be left there like that but we couldn't risk getting caught, his sacrifice would have been for nothing. He will never be forgotten and live on in our minds for the rest of our lives. I hope to make a memorial for him in our garden. 


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