Entry 25

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Dear Diary,

We finally made it to the city and we are so happy to be here. It's strange, but it almost looks like an English city from the 1800s. The buildings are tall and made of stone and brick, and the streets are narrow and winding. 

The city has many different types of people, but most importantly, we met a Faerie named As (Oz). She is small and beautiful, with curly pink hair and long pointy ears, her eyes are completely black, her skin almost glitters, her wings resemble a beautiful moth, and her whole body glows warmly.

We met her not long after entering the city, and she welcomed us with open arms. She said that she was a mayor of sorts for the city and showed us around, introducing us to some of her Nymph and Goblin friends. All of the people here are very kind and accommodating, which is exactly what we need at this point in our journey.

As showed us some of her favorite spots in the city, including a beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers and a quaint little tea shop where we indulged in some delicious treats. She then brought us to her hotel, where she said that the above-ground parts of the hotel were free game- our room, a lounge room, a restaurant, a spa- but anything in the basement levels should be avoided. She did not explain why, she just said that two young creatures like us shouldn't be exposed to the debauchery below. I'm still unsure what that means.

She gave us a room that felt like it was specifically designed for us: a large cat tree with real feathers and lots of levels, a bird perch for Munin, and one very large, soft bed. The room is dimly lit, but not in a bad way, the fireplace was already lit when we came in, and we even had a warm meal waiting for us at the table. 

After days and days of travel and everything we've endured on this journey, this couldn't be more of a miracle. For now, we will rest. The bed is warm and comfortable, a wonderful change from the cold, hard ground, and a sheet. We plan on sleeping and resting as much as possible, recharging our strength and energy for the next leg of our journey.

I will write more tomorrow when I can, but for now, I am happy to be in this beautiful city and grateful for the kindness of As and her friends.



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