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Foxes react: chapter5 part2

"You know he always says he has the money but has never really proven it" said Alison and Andrew just ignored that having actually seen first had how much he had and that he was the one that brought him the Maserati "maybe he still has some of the money his mother stole from his father" said Renne "yeah you are right I totally forgot about that" said Nicky and continued with "I mean it did say she stole 5 million" and everyone else nodded some most likely beginning to guess how much he might have.
Sleeping alone would be disorienting. He'd gotten in the habit of sleeping in his mother's bed, as her paranoia didn't want him out of her reach. They slept back to back, guarding each other, the guns under their pillows uncomfortable but reassuring lumps.

They didn't know that but it made sense running for your life meant he had to protect himself when cornered so a gun did not shock them so much as it made them sad thinking how hard it must be to be sleeping and then out of nowhere have to defend yourself and escape.
He ripped the cardboard padding off his small safe, skimmed the directions and warnings, and pushed everything else aside to get his bag. It took work to get the drawer open, since his duffel was such a tight fit, but he finally pried the duffel loose and dropped it in front of him. He unzipped it in one long move, folded the flap out of the way, and froze.
On first glance, his bag looked undisturbed. Everything was still in there in the same order he'd left it in, folded but crinkled from recent rough treatment. But Neil got his paranoia from his mother and he packed his clothes in a very specific way. Even a cautious thief would be fooled, since Neil folded everything the same. Neil's code was in the tags. He always bent the tags twice on a shirt in the top layer.
Someone had gone through Neil's things and put it all back—the same order, the same layers, the same neat folds—but the tags were all pressed flat by a too-careful hand.

That was the craziest thing they heard no way did he actually, Renee was amused seeing how smart a move like that is and funny to know that that is how Andrew got caught even Andrew himself was amused not really having realised how he got caught it was a funny little detail that was easy to miss.
Neil yanked The clippings were glued to computer paper, which Neil put back-to-back in the plastic slips to create a hidden inner pocket. In those pockets were Neil's most important possessions.
Most slips hid money: certificates for five-digit amounts he could cash out when he needed them, numbers detailing where he and his mother had hidden money while on the run, and rubber-banded stacks of bills.

They didn't know how much he had but that was not someone's answer not only that there were some more hidden around the world "looks like he does have the money" Dan said and the others nodded.
A list of emergency contacts, coded as an immature nursery rhyme, was toward the back. Only one of them lived in the United States. His mother married into an American crime family, but she'd been raised in a British one.

Somehow it was becoming more and more crazy but that explained how she had the nerve to actually go through with the plan of running away and stealing 5 million "does that mean Neil can speak British or at least a British accent? Because that would be something" Asked Nicky in thought and that made Alison to think of something "how about a bet on if he was taught to speak in a British accent or not" after she said that it was game, by the end everyone excluding Kevin because it was nothing related to exy, Aaron who did not give a fuck and Andrew who was not interested.
Her brother, Stuart Hatford, gave her the list when she ran away from her husband. She in turn gave it to Neil when she died.

"Not gonna lie but that name reminds me of something I have definitely heard the name 'Hatford' somewhere" Alison said "well it is a crime family so maybe that's why" said Dan "do you know anything about it" said Alison as she looked at Kevin "no not really I had met his father but never really his mother or even have ever heard something about a Hatford family" he answered so they kept on going since no one knew it would be a waist just sitting there.
Stuart's phone number was on the next page, buried in a sheet covered top to bottom with random numbers. Neil could only find it using his birth name. It was down as many rows as there were letters in his first name and over as many as there were in his last. Neil had never called it, and he hoped he never had to. There was no point in running away from a murderous family if he just ran into the arms of another one.

And again it made sense why they had not gone to stay there with them but continued running.
The last slip in his binder contained a forged optometrist's note. Neil didn't need a prescription, but he couldn't buy colored contacts without a measurement of his eyes' diameter and curvature. Tucked in with it was a box of brown lenses.
Neil thumbed through the money and did the math in his head. He came up with the right amount, but that didn't make him feel better. If someone had gone through his things and found this binder, then found what it was hiding, how was he supposed to explain himself? Just in cash and certificates Neil was carrying a quarter of a million dollars.

They saw where he was coming from, they know now why he had all these but if they were the ones finding all that it would be very hard for him to explain why he had all that.

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