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Foxes react: chapter3

The screen started.
Neil hadn't been directly responsible for someone's death in years, though he knew how many people died in his mother's quest to keep them safe. Neil never wanted to be his father, but he didn't want to turn into his mother, either. They were different kinds of heartless and Neil, for all his problems connecting with other people, didn't want to be a monster. The way this season was starting, though, maybe it was inevitable he'd turn into his parents.

It came out of nowhere, it took the breath of most away shocking the others filling the room with sadness and a serious atmosphere. There  was not really something to be said, they all knew that Neil had a degree of guilt even if it was not clearly seen but for them to know how Seth's death made him think that he was becoming like he parents. They couldn't say anything it could maybe be the guilt of not saying anything earlier or sadness of hearing that

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