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Foxes react: chapter5 part3

They saw where he was coming from, they know now why he had all these but if they were the ones finding all that it would be very hard for him to explain why he had all that.
The fact someone had deliberately come in here and dug through his bag made his stomach hurt with hot anger. The smart thing to do was pretend to not notice anything amiss and wait for the thief to come to him. That was what his mother would do. Unfortunately, Neil had inherited his father's temper, and he'd finally had enough.
It could have been Matt, but Neil doubted it. It wasn't that he trusted Matt; Neil didn't trust anybody, especially not a man he'd just met. Timing cleared Matt because there was no way he could get to the airport and back, help the girls get their things upstairs, and still have time to unpack and repack Neil's bag. That left one obvious suspect.
Neil slipped a finger into the spine of his binder and pulled out the two thin needles that remained of his mother's set of lock picks. He held them between his lips so he wouldn't lose them and set the lock on his safe. He stuffed his binder inside, slammed it closed, and hooked a second lock through the safe's handle. He gave the handle a couple fierce yanks to make sure the locks caught and shoved the safe under his pile of clothes. He spit the picks into his palm and stormed out of his room, slowing just long enough to lock the door behind him.
Neil checked Andrew's door and was unsurprised to find it locked. Neil crouched and got to work, but it didn't take long. It was a cheap lock and easier to handle than the one at his old locker room. Whoever built the dormitory hadn't counted on people like Neil and Andrew, it seemed. Neil rose to his feet, stuffed his picks in his pocket, and shoved the bedroom door open.

It was weird but entertaining seeing Neil's thought process and how quick he can process little details to figure things out and if the upperclassmen thought that it was funny seeing Andrew's lot getting figured out by Neil was funny no one said anything.
If the cousins were going to keep using German thinking they could go behind everyone's backs with it, Neil would keep his fluency a secret until the last possible moment. That didn't mean Neil couldn't hit back, so he switched to French and focused his anger on Kevin.

"Poor Kevin he was doing nothing" said Matt with a laugh and Kevin glared with his hands shaking the slightest bit as he clasped the together as he remembered what Neil had called him that day and Andrew was watching him curiously since he had not said what Neil had said that day.
"Stay out of my things," he snapped. He wished he could take some satisfaction in the shell-shocked looks the language and his furious tone earned, but he felt nothing. "The next time one of you goes where you don't belong I swear I'll make you regret it."
It was an age before anyone responded. Nicky was too busy gaping at Neil to say anything, and Aaron was staring at Kevin as he waited for a translation. Andrew's surprise gave way to what a fool might mistake for delight, and he leaned forward on the desk.

"Looks like we are going to see how it ended with Kevin choking Neil" said Dan witch made Wymack and Abby look at her with surprise "what did you say?" asked Wymack "it's alright coach I don't think there are any hard feelings left" said Nicky ignoring the look coach send his way.
"A frightened child like you?"
"Fuck you, cripple."
Across the room Kevin's face went white. "What did you call me?"
"I called you a deadweight has-been," Neil said.
Kevin was out of his chair so fast he knocked it over. Neil
backed out of the room and slammed the door closed between them. He'd only made it two steps back toward his room when Kevin yanked the door open again.
Kevin got his hands on Neil's neck in an instant and slammed Neil up against the opposite wall. Neil dug his fingers into Kevin's wrists, trying to loosen Kevin's grip enough that he could breathe.

Everyone was surprised months wide open from shock even Andrew's eyes were widened the slightest bit with his eyebrows raised. Andrew had said to the upperclassmen that Neil had started the fight but for him to go to Kevin with a direct hit at that showed how angry Neil was but it was not really an excuse "damm no wonder he said that he was better at starting fights then actually winning the" said Aaron "yeah no shit Sherlock" said Wymack.

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