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Foxes react: chapter6 part 1

(Idk how to start this)
Wymack nodded and turned on Neil.
"You," he said, "attempt to behave this time. Don't pick fights with him today."
"Yes, Coach."
Wymack looked skeptical but didn't argue. "Let's go, then."

"Yep and he totally didn't" said Aaron witch earned him a look from Wymack but he rolled his eyes not really caring.
Judging by Neil's quick headcount, the Ravens hadn't brought dates. They hadn't brought any color along, either.

"no way he should have said that out loud" said Nick between laughter as everyone else was laughing too, Neil's inner thoughts or more like inner insults were more often then not the thing that almost never failed to brighten the mood and the atmosphere. "You know we should probably do a scrapbook with every snarky comment he has made" said Matt and at that Alison, Nicky, Dan where nodding and Wymack signed loudly.
There was nothing friendly on his face tonight.
"You look familiar," Jean said in heavily accented English.
"If you watched Kathy's show you saw me there," Neil said.
"Ah, you are right. That must be it. What was your name again?
Alex? Stefan? Chris?"
For a moment Neil thought he'd fallen over. He felt the world lurch
out from under him and take his stomach with it. A second or minute or eternity later he realized he hadn't moved at all. He wasn't even breathing.

Everyone grimaced at that now understanding how serious that moment had been, even if they where there they had not known yet but now watching it again it ran a shiver across some since that was most likely that moment Riko knew. And seeing what it did to Neil didn't make it any better.
"It's Neil."
"Hmm?" Jean titled his head to one side as if that would help him see Neil better. "You don't look much like a Neil."
"Blame my mother," Neil said. "She named me."
"How is she doing, by the way?" Riko asked.
Neil looked into Riko's dark eyes and felt like he was dying.

"I can't, if I could just punch his teeth in" said Matt since now it was made very clearly what Riko wanted.
Nicky dug his fingers into Neil's thigh under the table, a silent and desperate reminder to keep his mouth shut. Neil left half-moon marks on
the back of Nicky's hand with his fingernails and counted to ten. He only made it to four before Riko opened his mouth again.
"What a coward," Riko said with exaggerated disappointment. "Just like his mother."

Like the last comment about Neil's mother it was on purpose, them knowing the truth just made it 10 times clearer what Riko wanted to achieve. "I think now I don't really care if he actually talked shit" said Wymack his shoulders tense.
Neil stopped counting.
"You know, I get it," Neil said. "Being raised as a superstar must be really, really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, not a single person in your family thinking you're worth a damn off the court—yeah, sounds rough. Kevin and I talk about your intricate and endless daddy issues all the time."
"Neil," Kevin said, low and frantic.
Neil ignored him. "I know it's not entirely your fault that you are mentally unbalanced and infected with these delusions of grandeur, and I know you're physically incapable of holding a decent conversation with anyone like every other normal human being can, but I don't think any of us should have to put up with this much of your bullshit. Pity only gets you so many concessions, and you used yours up about six insults ago. So please, please, just shut the fuck up and leave us alone."
Jaws dropped up and down the line; Raven symmetry shattered as they stared at Neil in stupefied disbelief. Riko's expression could have frozen hell, but Neil was too upset to be afraid. He'd have a nervous breakdown later. Right now he leaned forward and looked down the table at Dan, who sat with her face buried in her hands.
"Dan, I said please. I tried to be nice."

Everyone that was there to witness it was smirking except Kevin who again looked like a truck had got him, Wymack and Abby who were not there had been shocked just like the other on screen "it's kind of funny how he dragged Kevin in to that" said Alison witch was answered by a glare or what Kevin tried to make look like glare but was not able do to the sick feeling he had on his stomach.
"Neil has no place in Riko's games," Kevin said. "He is a Fox."
"He is not a Fox!"
"Funny," Neil said in French. Jean wasn't expecting him to understand them and shot Neil a startled look. "I'm pretty sure the contract I signed said Palmetto State University."
"A contract does not change facts," Jean said. "Did you forget who bought you?"
"Bought me," Neil repeated. "Nobody bought me."
Kevin frowned, lost. "Jean, what are you talking about?"
Jean looked like he swallowed a stone. "You don't know." It was
supposed to be an accusation, but it fell flat. Jean shot an incredulous look between them. "How can you not know? Why else would you have recruited him, Kevin?"
"He has potential," Kevin said.

"It's funny how Kevin who had actually met Neil didn't know who he was and what he was getting in to when recruiting him" said Alison wanting to make it sound like a joke but didn't work much, "in my defence how was I supposed to recognise someone who I met for a day or so about what like 8 years ago, mind i remind you he had his hair dyed and eye contacts" said Kevin even if he was not so loud as other times since remembering that day made him look sicker by the minute.

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