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Foxes react: chapter 9

Andrew and Aaron were nineteen for another month, Kevin was twenty, and Nicky was twenty-three. Apparently Neil overestimated their maturity level.

"Says the one that literally makes like a child when anything is said about the way he dresses himself" said Aaron glaring at everyone who had giggled.
"Never mind. I'll find something for you."
"I'll dress up as a college student," Neil said.
"No," Nicky said, and pushed a couple hangers around. "You're going to be a zombie cowboy."
"You're making that up."
"Shhhh." Nicky pulled a costume off the rack and draped it over one arm. "You are absolutely impossible to put up with sometimes. I might ban you from shopping with us ever again."
"I tried banning myself last time," Neil said. "It obviously didn't work."

Some were now openly laughing "that just proves my point" said Aaron with a huff as he was annoyed.
It had to be a big case; Higgins must be desperate if he'd crossed the country on his own dime for a lead. Neil said nothing about it to the others, though. Andrew hadn't given away any of Neil's secrets, so Neil wouldn't give up his.
The best he could do was change the subject. "Before I forget, Andrew said I could invite you to the Halloween party at Eden's Twilight. It's on the twenty-seventh."

"I still can't believe he convinced him to let us" said Dan as she send a look at Andrew witch he openly ignored her.
Having nine people along on a Friday night meant Andrew had to
make an actual reservation at Sweetie's, no matter that they got there at half-past ten. A small crowd of people was waiting at the hostess stand, but the L-shaped corner booth was marked with a RESERVED placard. The booth was technically intended for eight people, not nine in costumes, but it helped that Aaron and Andrew were pint-sized.

Everyone was gaping at that and Aaron looked the angriest of them all, Andrew on the other hand didn't show much his eyebrow might have twitched and might have been a sign showing that he might be annoyed but no one saw it. It didn't take long for the room to blast off laughing some laughing hard enough to bring tears and Aaron opted to glare at the others fuming.
"Most everyone is waiting for something to happen with you two. Even Nicky thinks it's inevitable. But Renee promised Allison nothing would come of it. Allison said as much to Seth. Why?"
"Does it matter?"
Neil gave an uncomfortable shrug. "Yes? No? It should be—it is— irrelevant, but..." He hesitated, but Andrew said nothing, unwilling to make this easy on him. Neil shouldn't be surprised by Andrew's attitude, but he was annoyed regardless. "I'm just trying to understand."
"Sometimes you're interesting enough to keep around. Other times you're so astoundingly stupid I can barely stand the sight of you."
Neil scowled at him. "Forget it. I'll ask Renee."
"You'll have to stop avoiding her first."
Neil didn't waste his time answering that.

The laughter from before had long died and was over taken by confusion and it became stronger when Renee snickered just the slightest bit as she understood what Andrew meant and what happened the next time Neil came to talk with her "what are you not sharing with the class Renee?" asked Alison but sighed when Renee's answer was a gesture of her zipping her lips shut "come on" said Alison as they continue.

(Skipped chapter 8 on purpose)

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