Chapter 25

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Quick note: This story is about to reach 150K. Super happy and greatful. Never thought it will get this many reads.


Jeevanta, with an air of regal authority, directed the maid to embellish the wedding invitation cards further. "Add these exquisite laddoos and a selection of premium dry fruits on top as well," she commanded. As the meticulous decoration and packaging of the invitations unfolded, it marked the commencement of day 2 in the grand two-week countdown before the celebration commenced. In this prosperous kingdom, renowned for its opulence, it was paramount to showcase to the world the grandeur befitting the union of one of the mightiest kings. The meticulous attention to detail echoed the significance of the impending celebration, emphasizing the splendor that would unfold in honor of the powerful monarch.

As she issued her instructions, the maids scurried with purpose to pack the carefully chosen gifts. These treasures were destined to find their place in a palanquin, a symbol of royal elegance and grace, soon to be dispatched to the esteemed relatives and guests invited to partake in the splendor of the upcoming royal wedding.

Jeevanta told her servants firmly, "Make sure these invites reach on time." The servants bowed and quickly got the invitations dispatched, showing the importance of timely delivery for the royal event.

Jeevanta observed the bustling activity in the palace with a mixture of determination and calculation. The wedding preparations were in full swing, and every detail had to be meticulously arranged to ensure the success of the upcoming event. While she played her part in overseeing the arrangements with apparent diligence, her mind was occupied with more pressing matters. She knew that the marriage being planned was not in the best interest of the kingdom's future, and she was determined to intervene. With a keen understanding of palace politics and a shrewd sense of strategy, Jeevanta devised her plans carefully, weaving intricate webs of manipulation behind the scenes. As she navigated the complexities of courtly life, she remained steadfast in her resolve to alter the course of events and safeguard the royal bloodline.

Kiara made her way to the queen's chamber, her steps heavy with apprehension as she was called again for the training. She remembered all too well the tension that had erupted during their previous encounter, and the thought of facing the queen again filled her with unease. However, Meera's wise counsel reminded her of the importance of discretion in their delicate situation. With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Kiara resolved to play her part and maintain a facade of cooperation, even as her heart rebelled against the charade. As she approached the queen's chamber, her mind raced with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead and the secrets she and Meera must safeguard at all costs.

Kiara entered the queen's chamber, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead. Jeevanta's piercing gaze met hers as she entered, and Kiara couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the older woman's scrutiny. However, she quickly schooled her expression into one of polite neutrality, masking the turmoil churning within her. Jeevanta gestured for Kiara to take a seat.

"Last time didn't go well, but this time I won't tolerate your disrespectful behaviour," Jeevanta barked out sternly, her tone carrying a weight of authority that demanded compliance. "You will behave appropriately and learn the ways of the royal court, whether you like it or not. Your insolence will not be tolerated." Her voice held a firmness that hinted at consequences for any disobedience.

"Since destiny has bestowed upon you the opportunity to become the queen of this great kingdom, you need to look the part. I can still smell the forest clinging to you, and it's unacceptable," Jeevanta Bai remarked, her tone sharp with disdain.

"If my scent bothers you so much, perhaps you should step away," Kiara retorted, her own frustration bubbling to the surface.

Jeevanta Bai's grip tightened on Kiara's chin, her nails digging into her flesh, causing Kiara's anger to flare. "Listen, girl. I am showing restraint only for the sake of my grandchild. Otherwise, I would have dealt with you swiftly. Time is of the essence, and I have no intention of wasting mine on you. You would do well to remember that and start obeying," she warned sternly.

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