Chapter 27

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This story has reached 150K, yay. would love your comments on this chapter. Ps: The above image is sumarnika. You are free to imagine anyone of your choice.*****************************************************************

Sumarnika stormed out, her eyes blazing with unbridled rage. The disrespect she had endured ignited a tempest of fury within her, fueling her resolve to confront the audacity of those who dared to undermine her authority. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined receiving the wedding card of King Reyansh Singhania, a gesture that not only insulted her but also threatened to diminish her stature as the esteemed Princess of Medhar.

The heavy oak door swung open with a resounding thud as Sumarnika stormed into the room, her footsteps echoing in the vast chamber. Her usually composed demeanor was shattered, replaced by a fiery intensity that crackled in the air around her. With every step, her silk gown billowed like storm clouds, a manifestation of the tempest brewing within her.

"Ma Saheb! What am I getting to know?" Sumarnika's voice reverberated off the walls, sharp with disbelief and anger. Her emerald eyes blazed with a fierce determination as she locked gazes with her grandmother, the eldest queen of Medhar.

Damika, seated regally on an ornate throne-like chair, regarded her granddaughter with a calmness that belied the storm raging outside. She knew this confrontation was inevitable, yet her expression remained serene, a testament to her years of wisdom and experience.

"Reyansh is getting married?" Sumarnika's words carried the weight of betrayal, each syllable laden with disbelief and indignation. She had never imagined that such news would reach her ears, much less from her own grandmother. The queen's calm demeanor seemed to irk Sumarnika further, fueling the flames of her frustration. She paced back and forth across the room, her movements agitated, like a caged lioness yearning for freedom.

Damika's gaze softened, her eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and understanding. She knew that her granddaughter's world had been shaken to its core, and the revelation of Reyansh's impending marriage only added fuel to the fire.

"I am equally shocked, how could Jeevanta do this?" Damika stressed, her voice tinged with disbelief as she glanced up at her granddaughter, Sumarnika.

Sumarnika stormed into the room, her steps echoing her simmering rage. The air seemed to crackle with tension as she confronted her grandmother. "Shocked! You are shocked, ma Saheb?" Her voice rang out, sharp and accusatory, slicing through the silence of the chamber. "Reyansh is getting married to someone and you are just shocked? He is mine." Her words dripped with possessiveness; each syllable laced with an unmistakable claim.

"How could he get married to someone like that?" Sumarnika's tone was laced with incredulity, her eyes flashing with fury as she paced the room. "Who is the girl? Where is she from? Is she from another stronger kingdom or what?" Her questions came rapid-fire, each one punctuated by the intensity of her emotions.

The princess of Medhar was known for her temper and stubbornness, her fiery spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. What she wanted, she got, and right now, what she wanted was answers — answers that would quell the storm raging within her heart.

"Calm down, my girl. I don't have answers for your questions," Damika replied, her voice steady despite the storm brewing in Sumarnika's eyes.

Sumarnika's anger surged, her frustration palpable as she paced the room, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. "Jeevanta Dadi sa made the promise to you that she will get her grandson married to me, and now we are getting this invite? How could she break off her promise like that? That is utter disrespect," she seethed, her words laden with indignation.

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