chapter 19

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The moonlight spilled through the window, casting a gentle glow on the room. Kiara's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, the weight of the impending marriage bearing down on her. As she stared at the unfamiliar ceiling, she couldn't help but feel the burden of the role she was forced into.

Meera stirred on the other side of the bed, sensing Kiara's unrest. "Can't sleep?" she asked in a soft voice.

Kiara sighed, "Sleep seems to be a distant friend tonight."

Meera sat up; concern etched on her face. "Kiara, I know this is difficult, but we need to figure out a plan. We can't let Reyansh control your destiny."

Kiara nodded, appreciating Meera's support. "I won't let him dictate my life. We'll find a way out of this, Meera."

The moonlit room found two souls seeking solace as Kiara and Meera decided to share the space for the night. Meera, reluctant to leave Kiara alone in the confines of the maid's quarters, stood as a staunch companion against the impending storm

"Don't worry too much. There is one more person who doesn't want this marriage more than you," Meera said with a reassuring smile, prompting Kiara to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "Dadi sa—she cannot let any non-royal marry her, oh-so-precious grandson. She must have already made plans to break this marriage, so we have a team already," Meera added, injecting a bit of humor into the situation.

Meera continued, "We just need to play our parts well, and maybe, just maybe, we can turn this whole twisted game against the king himself."

"Yes, I noticed the queen making a swift exit the moment King Reyansh revealed the news. It's evident she harbors strong resentment towards me, but her exact plans remain unclear," Kiara voiced her uncertainty.

Meera nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, she is a cunning and manipulative lady. No doubt, she'll attempt to persuade Reyansh against marrying you. We must stay vigilant and counter every move she makes." Her words carried a reassuring tone, instilling a sense of confidence in their shared strategy.

Kiara expressed her gratitude, "Meera, I'm grateful that you're supporting me in this. I never expected anyone, especially a royal, to stand by me."

Meera squeezed Kiara's hand reassuringly. "Kiara, this family has never felt like mine. I'm here only due to blood relations, and they've never treated me well. I would have helped anyone in your situation. We'll try all possible ways. I don't know how successful we'll be, but we need a solid plan before the wedding; otherwise, escaping this will be nearly impossible."

As they delved into strategizing, little did they know that Jeevanta, the cunning queen mother, was also plotting her own schemes to ensure the success of her grandson's marriage.

As his senses slowly returned, the throbbing pain in his head intensified. He tried to open his eyes, but the world remained blurred and disoriented. The air around him was heavy, and the scent of dampness filled his nostrils. With a struggle, he managed to prop himself up, his hands feeling the cold, rough surface beneath him.

The darkness that enveloped him began to fade, revealing unfamiliar surroundings. Dim light filtered through a small, barred window, casting feeble beams into the cramped space. It took a moment for him to realize he was in a confined room, the air stale and confined. The distant sounds of footsteps and muffled voices hinted at life beyond the walls.

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