Chapter 32

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Authors Note: The above image is Damika (sumarnika and deviyan's grandmother). Leave a comment, vote and follow behind.


The trio's eyes bore into Jeevanta, searching for answers amidst the swirling emotions in the room. Jeevanta felt the weight of their gazes, each one silently pleading for an explanation. Memories of promises made in years past flooded her mind, and she cast a fleeting glance at Sumarnika, standing before her with an air of elegance that seemed to embody the ideal bride for her grandson.

In that moment, a spark of realization ignited within Jeevanta's mind, as if she had stumbled upon a solution to their predicament.

"Of course, I haven't forgotten our promise, Damika," Jeevanta replied, her voice tinged with a newfound determination. "Dasi," she called for her maid, who promptly entered the room.

"Yes, Badi Rani Sa?" the maid inquired respectfully.

"Please, show my special guests to their rooms. Sumarnika and Deviyan, go with her and take some rest. I'll join you all later. Right now, I have some important matters to discuss with my dear friend," Jeevanta instructed with a warm smile.

Sumarnika exchanged a puzzled glance with her grandmother, but seeing Damika's subtle approval, she nodded and followed the maid out of the room, Deviyan trailing behind her.

Damika's puzzled expression softened as Jeevanta began to speak. "Do you really think I arranged my grandson's marriage?" Jeevanta asked, her tone filled with sincerity. "No, Damika, I would never allow anyone outside of royalty to marry Reyansh. This is a much longer story," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of sadness and regret.

Jeevanta settled into a nearby chair, motioning for Damika to join her. "It all started when Reyansh took control of the Shanghai tribe," she began, her voice tinged with bitterness. "At first, everything seemed fine, but then his sudden obsession with that tribal girl named Kiara began."

Damika's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. "But what about Sumarnika? How does she fit into all of this?" she asked, her mind racing with questions.

Jeevanta's lips curled into a sinister smile. "That, my dear friend, is where our plan comes into play," she replied, her voice dripping with malice. "We will use Reyansh's own desires against him. We will ensure that he marries Sumarnika, thereby fulfilling the promise made so many years ago."

Damika's heart raced with excitement at the prospect of finally achieving their long-held goal. "And how do you propose we accomplish this?" she inquired; her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Jeevanta leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "We will use every means at our disposal," she said, her tone filled with determination. "We will manipulate Reyansh's emotions, exploit his weaknesses, and ensure that he has no choice but to marry Sumarnika."

Damika nodded thoughtfully, considering the implications. "But what about Sumarnika herself? She loves Reyansh and is obsessed with him and went mad when we got this invite. If she didn't end up marrying him. She wouldn't let anyone else do so" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

Jeevanta's expression hardened. "Believe me, Damika, I despise that tribal girl more than anything," she replied bitterly. "I have no idea what Reyansh sees in her, but she is living under the same roof as mine, and I am powerless to stop it."

Jeevanta nodded in agreement, her mind already spinning with plans and strategies. "Agreed," she said, her voice filled with resolve. "We must ensure that Reyansh's marriage to Sumarnika proceeds without any obstacles."

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