Chapter 35

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Kiara waited anxiously for Meera's return, but as the hours passed, it became increasingly clear that she wasn't coming back anytime soon. The pain in her leg was intensifying, and she struggled to even stand up to call for help. Accepting defeat, she resigned herself to bed, hoping that rest would ease her discomfort. Sleep soon enveloped her, providing temporary relief from her worries.

Meanwhile, Reyansh couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. As he made his way back from the dinner, he couldn't help but notice Meera's anxious demeanor. Something didn't sit right with him about her explanation for Kiara's absence. The memory of Kiara indulging in spicy food at the dinner clashed with Meera's claim of her stomach issues, adding to his suspicions.

Furthermore, he couldn't ignore the sight of Meera limping, as if her leg had been injured. It all seemed too convenient, too coincidental. Reyansh found himself torn between his trust in Meera and his growing doubts. Something was amiss, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to get to the bottom of it.

After the hall had emptied, Reyansh quietly made his way to Kiara's room. She lay asleep, her face serene despite the strain evident in her features. Gently, he closed the door, careful not to disturb her rest or draw attention from the guests. He walked up to her bed where she was lying on one side without any blanket. He looked at her face which looked composed and tired. His gaze further fell on her feet which was covered by the long skirt she was wearing.

He gently brushed his hand over her feet, seeking to comfort her in her slumber. As his fingers trailed over one foot, she remained peacefully asleep, but the moment he touched the other, she let out a sharp yelp, jolting awake.

"What happened?" he inquired, his concern evident as he observed her crumpled form, clutching her leg in pain.

"Nothing," she replied hastily, attempting to mask her discomfort.

His brow furrowed with suspicion as he persisted, "I asked what happened?" This time, his hand deliberately grasped the affected foot, pulling her closer, eliciting another cry of pain from Kiara.

"Stop shouting like this, honey. We haven't even begun to make love," he hissed, his tone laced with both desire and suspicion.

"I... I fell," she offered weakly, her voice trembling as she clung to her injured foot.

"Fell where?" he pressed further, his gaze searching hers for any hint of deception.

"In the hallway," she replied, her explanation sounding feeble even to her own ears.

"You slipped in the hallway and sprained your leg like this?" he questioned skeptically, his raised eyebrow betraying his doubts.

Reyansh's skepticism hung heavy in the air as he studied Kiara's uneasy expression. Despite her attempt to maintain composure, her guilt was palpable, mingling with the pain etched on her features.

Kiara swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Reyansh's scrutiny. "Yes, I slipped," she reiterated, her voice wavering slightly. "It was... it was a clumsy accident."

But Reyansh's gaze remained unwavering, his instincts telling him there was more to the story than she was letting on. With a sigh, he reached out to gently cradle her injured foot, his touch tender yet probing.

Kiara winced as his fingers brushed over the tender spot, her facade crumbling under the pressure of his scrutiny. "Okay, fine," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I was trying to..."

Before she could finish her admission, Reyansh's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes as he pulled her into a comforting embrace. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered soothingly.

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