chapter 16

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Kiara felt the bitterness rising in her heart, but instead of succumbing to it, she took a deep breath and stood her ground. Her life had just taken the wildest turn imaginable, and in that moment, it seemed like she had lost all control. The king's unexpected marriage proposal left her in disbelief, but amidst the chaos of emotions, she found strength. As the announcement echoed in her head, Kiara's mind raced, searching for a way to regain control over her destiny. She refused to be a passive player in this unexpected twist of fate.

Kiara, exhausted from the emotional turmoil, found herself at a breaking point. The constant battles and the unrelenting pressure had worn her down, leaving her feeling defeated and drained. Tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the pain she had been enduring silently for far too long.

In that vulnerable moment, Kiara realized the toll this constant struggle was taking on her well-being. The weight of the battles she fought against the injustices inflicted upon her had become overwhelming. The man who had caused her so much pain seemed oblivious to the impact of his actions, and Kiara questioned whether she had the strength to continue this uphill battle.

Taking a moment to reflect, she acknowledged her own feelings and allowed herself to experience the depth of her emotions. It wasn't a sign of weakness but rather an acknowledgment of the human resilience that had carried her through so much.

Kiara's steps felt heavy and lifeless as she walked out, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her shoulders. Aimlessly, she found herself standing before the nearest door, seeking solace in its presence. With trembling hands, she grasped the doorknob tightly, using it as a support to anchor herself against the overwhelming flood of emotions. The cool surface of the door provided a momentary relief as Kiara closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to steady herself. The door became a symbol, a physical barrier between her and the tumultuous events that had unfolded. As Kiara leaned against the door, the silence of the space around her enveloped her like a comforting embrace. It was a quiet moment of respite from the chaos that had consumed her. The door, although seemingly ordinary, became a metaphorical threshold between the turmoil of her past and the uncertain path that lay ahead.

Kiara, her eyes surrounded by tears and her lips trembling, couldn't hold back any longer. A burst of emotion erupted from deep within her, a raw and unfiltered expression of the pain and frustration. Her tears flowed freely, and her messy hair framed her face, a visual testament to the internal chaos she was experiencing.

In the midst of her emotional outburst, a compassionate female servant noticed Kiara's devastated state. Concern etched on her face, the servant approached gently and asked, "Are you okay?" Her voice held a genuine warmth, offering a lifeline of support to Kiara in her moment of vulnerability. Kiara, still catching her breath, looked up at the kind servant with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. It was a simple question, but in that moment, it held the power to acknowledge Kiara's pain and validate her struggle. With a nod, Kiara managed to utter a soft, "I am fine".

The servant, understanding that words might not be enough, offered a comforting hand on Kiara's shoulder clearly understanding that she is far from being fine.

She gently held her taking her in frame and supported her to walk with her. Kiara had no idea where the woman is taking her neither at that moment she wanted to know. All she could see was her destruction. The maid walked with her and reached the familiar door and knocked.

"Come in" voice came from inside and she helped Kiara to walk inside.

Meera, still in shock, quickly assessed the situation as the maid explained, "I found her like this in the middle of the hallways, so I brought her here." The gravity of Kiara's distress became even more evident in the confined space of the room.

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