chapter 15

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"That to him? The king! The monster king"

Her face had a question mark bigger than anything and she looked at him with hope that he would laugh at her mockingly and will say it was some joke but failing her hope, nothing like that happened. He looked serious enough and she was more than confused.

"Why?" Kiara asked without even knowing if she had her senses on point. The whole situation was too unexpected to even react.

"Because I want you to marry me!" His answer was not making any head or tail. She took a few steps back while his hands still surrounded her petite waist. "Are you in your senses or what? Why should I marry you and most important why will I marry 'YOU'? "

"I am your king. I own this place, I own your tribe also, which means I own you also, you are mine now" he whispered, coming closer making her brow tense up. Kiara looked at him still waiting to tell her that he was mocking her but he stood there looking at her with an evil smile.

It looked confusing as he tilted his head and looked at her with a dead evil smile. Has this man gone nuts or what? Or is he high on something?

"Pardon! But even if you end up being the last human on this planet I would not marry even then also" her fierce soul shined bright with anger as she spoke those words. She has enough of his shit. Who is he to force his decision on her and why in his wild dreams he thought that he will tell her to marry him and she will.

"Ah! Such a stupid girl you are. I am not giving you a choice my darling, I am telling you my decision and now you might think why I want to marry YOU? Out of all the people in the world, why YOU? Then the answer is pretty simple, I don't like you. In fact my hatred for you is even bigger than anything but you know what, giving you in some brothel or selling you will not give me the amount of pleasure that I can get by torturing you myself. I will give you so much pain that you will crave for death and at that point also I will keep you alive. Yes! I can do that now only but you know the fun of killing your ego by marrying you in front of that lover of yours will give you so much pain that your soul gets thrilled just by thinking about that" the king cleared his intentions and Kiara fisted her palm.

Is this man even a human or not? He is drowning so low just to satisfy his ego.

"I am not marrying you, get that clear in your head"

"Little love! I am not giving you any choice. I am telling you my decision. What was the name of that boy? Ekvansh? no Eklavya, right? You know he is in so much pain and I can give him so much more pain. Should I break his legs so that he can never stand against me? Or should I cut his chest open and have a bath with his blood? The choice is all yours because from now on your moves will determine his lifespan and you know it very well my dear little princess that I am a really bad guy, a really bad indeed. So instead of being in my bad books, oh sorry you are already in my bad book." Reyansh pulled her close and smiled.

"Dare you touch him; I will slit your throat" Kiara grabbed his neck and tightened her grip but Reyansh remained unaffected as he was enjoying her tantrum.

"I would love this aggression on bed my love, not now" saying he removed her hold and turned her banging her back to his chest. His right hand cupped her chin and another held her waist while he bit her earlobe making her hiss out in pain.

Kiara stayed there struggling to move out of his arms but Reyansh enjoyed that little fight that she was trying to pull in front of him. The king knew very well how to take advantage of people and as per the analysis of the situation he did, the only way to win this war was by playing with emotions. He took advantage of her emotional state and hit her weakest point. This woman is extremely attached towards her people and that boy so it was easy to identify and hit that soft spot. "You need to learn to behave like royals from now on but for me you will remain a whore."

"Why are you doing this" Kiara turned around and asked with teary eyes.

"satisfaction". From his smile anyone could easily identify that it was nothing but the male ego that is the reason for such misogynist behavior.

"Now my future wife, before you step into Royalty from your poor life, I would like you to learn some decent manners, and act like a trophy wife. I will get a trainer for you, till then behave really well because your behavior is equally proportional to the breaths of that little lad you adore". Saying he moved out of water leaving her in the mess and emotional trap.

Reyansh walked out satisfied indeed, he felt this calmness all of sudden. It was a wild decision that he was taking but his mind couldn't imagine her being a whore for someone else or crying for that tribal boy. The moment she was with that boy made his soul burn and this feeling had to be removed. It was just a marriage to satisfy him and claim her for his personal use. It's not like she is the prettiest or someone who is very extraordinary but the fire in her makes her rare.

The fact that he can now trap her and make her dance to his wishes gave him an unknown satisfaction and he was ready to face the consequences of it. The royals will never accept this woman as their queen and his own relatives will question his decision but does he care? Probably not? This marriage is not out of love nor out of bond. It is for his own personal demands and satisfaction.

Changing into a simple white kurta he walked into his grandmother's room who was sitting on the ground on her prayer mat and reading Ramayana. "Can I disturb my beautiful queen for a few minutes?" he called and Jeevanta looked up. She smiled at him and closed her book, kept it on the shelf and closed her prayer mat.

"Yes, my son. You can disturb me any time."

"Then my lovely dad isa, I am here to tell you a news" Reyansh said knowing his words will shock the hell out of her grandma but he was prepared indeed, they share the same blood and she can never go against the blood relations.

"Oh well, then please tell me what news you have my child that you have to come across all the way through your room to tell me instead of sending a servant." Jeevanta stood in front of him and asked without having any hint of the disaster on the way.

"I am getting married." The news broke like a shattered glass making Jeevanta take a step back.

"What! to whom?" she asked.

Reyansh was prepared for the questions. He knew his initial statement itself would put her grandma in disbelief, that he, the king Reyansh Singhania, is getting married.

"Kiara, that tribal girl". He stretched that last word intentionally making Jeevanta look at him as if he grew two heads.

No, she was not shocked because his grandson is telling him that he is getting married, one day or other he would be married and have kids to grow this kingdom but the fact that he is telling her that he is marrying the girl he doesn't even like.

"What are you even saying? Is this some sort of joke because if not then I cannot even solve this puzzle that how you are telling me that out of all the people in this world you have decided to marry this non royal tribal peasant that you actually hate" she asked in utter confusion.

"Oh Dadi, I love how you know me so well. You are right that I hate that girl but I have made my decision. He spoke with authority. Jeevanta sensed something in her heart and stood silent for a few seconds. "My child, I feel this decision of yours is nothing but a disaster. I could clearly see your ego that is trying to get satisfied but do not do this, if you want revenge kill her or torture her but do not marry her, I just do not feel this is the right thing to be done."

Reyansh looked at her side-eye before making a clear eye contact. "I came here to tell you my decision dadi sa not to ask you for your opinion. I want you to train Kiara to act like royals so that she could at least behave like a decent human."

"I still consider it a wrong decision my son" Jeevanta said out of stress because somewhere inside she felt that this thing will bring something worse out of the situation. That girl is not someone who will easily marry him and she is sure that it will be a forced marriage and that girl will rebel.

"I know it will take time for you to process this decision but hope you recover from it soon" saying he walked out and Jeevanta held her head in utter tension. This boy is getting manipulated out of the situation and she knows that he will now do anything just to marry her. This stubborn behavior of him has been fed by her only into his mind but she had no idea this would hit her back like this, she has to do something else he will give anything just to fulfill his demand and it will ruin the kingdom and its politics that she took years to create.

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