chapter 6

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Few points you guys should read before continuing.

1. I highly recommend you to stop reading this story further if you cannot handle abuse, martial rape and all the cruel things that gonna happen. Its better to stop then blame me later because i won't change my story line on anyone's call. Call me rude but that's how i am. Read further if you can handle or stop reading and demanding.

2. If you guys like all the gooey and mushy stuff then sorry guys this story will disappoint you with its dark romance but if you guys can let me express my way it may feel you uncomfortable but a different side of everything. And if you want some other lovey dovey things then other writers are present there.

3. Dark romance is not something related to cliche romance that happens in books and novels instead its a harsh reality and truth which happen. You guys can see women around suffering and my story potray both manly and womanly emotions about how they feel. A dark novel won't make you feel good and i know you all are obsessed with kr romance but let me show you a different way. Think them not as the couples you know and treat this characters as different.

4. Many of you must be thinking that i am really cruel to do all the things in my story but let me be very clear. That's how i am. I somehow show the sad reality that actually happens with woman around. There is no hero who will do everything for the girl and why should he? Everyone start to be selfish at some points of life. Don't they?

5. This story will be slow with loads of emotional rollar coaster and lack of those drama that you expect in romance novels. Every single character in this story have equal importance and role.

6. Please give your honest reviews and comments because it help me to now what you guys are thinking.


A voice echoed in her ears but she felt paralyzed as her body gave up on her making her feel even more miserable. She could hear something but the sound is not very clear. The darkness around her eyes made her panic as she felt that her body is behaving like a new born who is unable to move of its own. Her mind played certain images and she couldn't figure out what is actually happening. Everything appeared blur except for some echo that she could hear but couldn't corporate.

"K -I- A -R -A!!!"

The voice sounded clearer and more familiar this time but for some reason her lashes stayed glued together making it difficult for her to even open her eyes.

"Kiara! Wake up!"

This time the voice reached completely into her head making her body parts feeling a little bit alive again but her eyes refused to leave the darkness and open.

Something wet came into her direction and fell on her eyes. Her skin felt the liquid as it started to clear out the darkness slowly from her vision.

Marah sprinkled some more water on Kiara who passed out like an hour ago making her freak out. The situation is getting worse by time and the fact that a strong girl like Kiara is breaking down is making her heart feel tight. The knights threw them here after Kiara passed out following the king's orders and since then all she has been trying to do is wake her best friend up whose face appeared dead at the moment. Her face looked pale while cheeks are embraced with dried tears.

"Ma--rah!" Kiara whispered finding her own voice back as her vision cleared and the look of her concerned friend came in view. Her voice made her friend's lifeless face glow up again making her blink her eyes few times to make sure of her surroundings.

"Oh Kiara! I thought I lost you"

"Marah! Where are we? And where are the other girls" Kiara looked around only to find the presence of herself along with marah while rest looked as if they disappeared in thin air. She straightens her back which was leaning on the hard stone wall of the chambers.

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