chapter 13

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After ages. Yup! Can't help though. Finally completed this pending chapter.  comment down your reviews and vote also in case you liked it.


The king stood outside his royal palace gate on a tall stage, accompanied by his right hand and the person he trusted with his eyes closed. His knights were making the announcement for people to gather around. The crowd started to gossip and stopped whatever they were doing and formed a huge circle looking at the king with curious eyes.

"All the people of the kingdom are ordered to wait here as the king has an important announcement to make". The minister shouted.

Reyansh looked from his tall stage as all the people with scared and curious eyes looked at him. He loved the fear he had on people. The annoyance he has been having is enough and it's time to finish all of it. "Bring that tribal girl here faster, she needs to see this." The king ordered one of his men.

"Let the fun begin Dadi sa". He said and Jeevanta bai gave her an evil smile in return. "Bring those tribal girls". Reyansh ordered and knights followed. The women of the Shanghai tribe were dragged out from the cells. They had chains around their neck and handcuffs and are dragged like animals who are ready to be slaughtered. They were shouting and crying as the men dragged them out and made them all stand on the stage opposite the king. The crowd looked at the miserable tribal women but it was not their first time seeing something like this.

Meera opened her eyes and rubbed while Kiara slept beside her. Her heart felt heavy all of sudden. She looked at the girl lying peacefully beside her in bed. Her face has a calmness as if sleeping after ages. But Meera felt as if the silence around is just a myth and something was coming up.

"Got the girl. Grab her". All of a sudden, the king's men entered her room and pointed at the sleeping Kiara. One of them rushed and grabbed her arm dragging her out of sleep and pulled out of bed making her shout.

"Stop where are you taking her?". Defenceless Meera shouted but fell to deaf ears as both the men grabbed the fragile girl and kept dragging her out of the room while Kiara shouted, screamed and tried to set herself free.

Meera panicked as both the men went out. She rushed out behind empty feet and kept calling them from behind while no one paid any attention to her cries and kept walking outside the kingdom in between the crowd.

Meera followed them and gazed at the large crowd and followed the men on the stage. Reyansh looked at his men bringing Kiara while Meera followed their footsteps.

The men threw Kiara on the ground near his feet while she cried in pain.

"Kiara!" Meera shouted from behind and rushed to grab her up but got stopped by her brother.

"Why are you doing this? What has she done to you?" She asked.

"Stay out of royal matters Meera unless you want me to behave the same way with you also. Go back to your room right now. I do not want you here." The king said.

"Please Reyansh for god's sake, behave like a human. This cruelty will take you down one day. It will destroy you and your whole kingdom. You will turn up into nothing if you keep torturing people like this. This girl is just a poor tribal who has done nothing to you. Why are you doing this?" Meera said, looking at both the king and the elder queen.

"You have no idea what she and her tribe has done to me and you better leave. I do not want me to slaughter you also. Leave now princess." He gritted his teeth

"No, I won't." Meera spoke directly looking into his eyes.

"Take princess to her room". He gestured one of his slaves and both the men grabbed her by arm and took her out of stage by force.

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