Chapter 30

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Reyansh cradled Kiara in his arms, her fragile form limp against him, her features etched with exhaustion. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight of her, knowing that he had exerted his dominance over her in such a definitive way.

His gaze fell upon the tattoo of his name, stark against her skin just below her collarbone. "Reyansh," it proclaimed, a permanent reminder of his claim over her.

The angry redness of the freshly inked tattoo only served to emphasize his ownership of her. He carefully laid her back on the bed, tucking her beneath the warmth of a quilt. There were preparations to be made for their impending wedding, but he knew that Kiara needed time to heal from the ordeal she had endured.

As he watched over her, Reyansh couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Soon, everyone would see the mark he had left on her, a visible symbol of his power and control. And Kiara would have no choice but to accept her fate as his bride. As he watched Kiara's chest rise and fall with each breath, Reyansh couldn't shake the feeling of satisfaction that coursed through him. He had marked her as his own, leaving an indelible imprint on her skin that would forever bind her to him.

Yet, beneath the surface of his calm exterior, there was a simmering anticipation. He knew that their wedding would be the ultimate culmination of his plans, solidifying his power and dominance over both Kiara and the kingdom.

But for now, he allowed himself a moment of quiet contemplation, relishing in the knowledge that Kiara was his, body and soul. And as he looked upon her, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The game was far from over, but for now, he would bask in the sweet taste of victory.

Kiara's eyes fluttered open, the pain in her body jolting her awake like a bolt of lightning. Sharp, throbbing agony pulsed through her, radiating from the spot where Reyansh had marked her with his name. Each movement sent waves of discomfort coursing through her, a constant reminder of the violation she had endured.

With a cry of anguish, Kiara sat up, clutching at the quilt that covered her trembling form. The weight of Reyansh's name on her skin felt like an unbearable burden, a permanent scar that she could never escape. Tears stung her eyes as she struggled to come to terms with the reality of what had happened.

The sense of powerlessness washed over her, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable. Reyansh had left his mark on her, branding her as his possession for all eternity. It was a violation of her autonomy, a cruel reminder of the control he held over her life.

Frustration bubbled up inside her, mingling with the searing pain that engulfed her body. How could he do this to her? How could he claim ownership over her in such a callous manner? The injustice of it all fueled her anger, igniting a fierce determination to reclaim her autonomy and break free from his grasp. But for now, all she could do was endure the pain and steel herself for the challenges that lay ahead. With a heavy heart and a newfound resolve, Kiara wiped away her tears and prepared to face the day, determined to defy Reyansh's tyranny and reclaim her freedom, no matter the cost.

As Kiara gingerly rose from the bed, the searing pain in her body intensified, causing her to whimper with each movement. With trembling hands, she reached for the torn remnants of her blouse, the exposed skin of her chest a stark reminder of Reyansh's brutality. Her mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from disbelief to anger to profound sadness. How could someone be so heartless, so devoid of empathy? The realization of Reyansh's inhumanity sent a chill down her spine, filling her with a deep sense of dread.

Each step she took felt like a Herculean effort, the pain in her body serving as a constant reminder of the violation she had endured. As she made her way to the mirror, Kiara couldn't bear to look at her reflection, knowing that she would be confronted with the stark evidence of Reyansh's cruelty.

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