Chapter 26

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This week has been very tough. So please be kind in comments. Pin down your reviews, love reading them.


The frustration etched lines of fury on Reyansh's face, his usually composed demeanour shattered by the realization of another's touch marking what belonged solely to him. It was a foreign feeling, one he struggled to contain as anger surged through his veins like molten lava. How dare anyone else lay a hand on her? The possessive claim he staked over her was tarnished by another, and the thought alone ignited a raging inferno within him.

"She did this?" he demanded, his voice laced with a lethal combination of fury and disbelief. He needed confirmation, though deep down, he knew the answer already. Only his grandmother possessed the audacity to mark what was rightfully his. The girl before him, despite her own formidable prowess, couldn't have inflicted these bruises upon herself.

A barely audible confirmation slipped past her lips, a mere whisper that grated against his already frayed nerves. Reyansh's gaze narrowed as he traced a finger over one of the bruises, eliciting a pained whimper from her lips. The sight only fuelled his rage further, a potent mix of possessive protectiveness and seething anger.

He loosened the tread more till it hanged on her neck and yanked it off her neck. Reyansh watched as the necklace slid from her neck, revealing the angry, reddened bruises beneath. The marks spoke volumes, telling a tale of cruelty and dominance that made his blood boil with fury. It was evident that his grandmother had gone too far in her handling of the training session, leaving behind scars both physical and emotional.

He clenched his jaw, suppressing the urge to lash out in anger. The sight of her pain, inflicted by someone he trusted, ignited a fierce protectiveness within him. His gaze softened momentarily as he reached out, his touch gentle as he brushed his fingers over the bruised skin.

"Maid! Bring me turmeric paste," he commanded, his voice sharp with anger, leaving no room for disobedience. The maid outside the room hurried at his command, sensing the urgency in his tone. "Fast," he added, his impatience evident as he waited for the remedy to soothe the bruises on Kiara's skin.

Reyansh's fingers lingered on Kiara's bruise; his touch possessive yet gentle as he examined the mark. "No one has the right to lay a hand on you like this," he declared, his tone firm with a tinge of possessiveness. The grip tightened around Kiara's waist, pulling her closer to him possessively. "This mark," he began, his voice low and tinged with a hint of possessiveness, "it angers me to no end. No one should dare to leave such marks on what is rightfully mine." His gaze bore into hers, conveying a silent possessiveness.

"Why is it bothering you so much? This is what you and your grandmother wanted from the beginning so stop this act now." Kiara said with a bitter smile on her face making Reyansh go silent for a second.

Reyansh's words were laced with possessive determination, his voice low and commanding. "Only I have the right to mark you from now on. The bruises on your neck should belong to me, not someone else. I have the right to hurt you, not my grandmother," he declared firmly, his gaze unwavering. Kiara's response was laced with bitter sarcasm, her smile masking the pain she felt. "What a unique perspective you have, Your Majesty," she retorted, her voice betraying a hint of defiance despite the pain. "Well, you know what they say about love and possession. You're just enforcing the stereotype," she added, her words laced with sarcasm. Reyansh's jaw clenched visibly at her retort, a flash of anger crossing his features. "Don't test me, Kiara," he warned, his tone low and menacing. "You're mine now, and I'll do whatever it takes to remind you of that." His gaze bore into hers, challenging her to defy him further.

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