Chapter 39- Friends Forever

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Aarohi's POV

That look on Vivaan's face was not that unfamiliar to me. I have seen that a hell lot times before.

“Come on guys, let's have some drinks,” Abhimanyu said opening a bottle of champaign and started pouring it into glasses.

In the meantime, Vivaan stood up and walked out from there.

“This is for you, my beautiful lady,” Abhimanyu said passing me a glass.

I was about to grab it when someone snatched it from his hand. I raised my head to found Vivaan staring at me. Where did he come from?

“She doesn’t drink,” he said putting a glass of cold drink in front of me.

“But I want to drink today,” I said stretching my hand when he pushed the glass away from me while sitting back in his chair.

“Aarohi, you can’t drink,” Diksha said when I picked up the cold drink with an annoyed face.

We then talked for a little and in the meanwhile food was served in our plates.

“This mushroom is so good,"  Abhimanyu said and was about to serve it to me when Vivaan grabbed his hand.

“She is allergic to mushroom,” he said when everyone looked at him.

"Stop doing that," I said to Vivaan.

"Doing what?" he asked.

"Pretending that you care," I stated.

He gave me a glare and started having the food.

“Pass me that plate,” Vivaan said pointing towards a dish.

“It’s spicy,” I said.

“I can handle it,” he said bringing the plate closer to him.

"Stubborn," I murmured fixing my eyes on my plate.

I slightly raised my head and carefully peeped at him through side eye. His eyes turned red and his distressed face was reflecting the pain he was suffering from.

Suddenly he started coughing making me anxious. I picked up the glass of water and made him drink it while gently rubbing his back.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a tensed voice and he nodded his head.

"You don't have to be like this everytime. You never listen to me," I yelled at him.

"Stop doing that," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Pretending that you care," he stated.

I glared at him until I heard a giggle and everyone looked at Abhimanyu.

"What happened?" Rohan asked him.

"These two are real fun," he said pointing towards me and Vivaan controlling his laugh.

"On one hand they are denying their relationship and on the other, behaving like a chaotic couple,” he continued.

His comment made us awkward and we both quietly sat on our chair and didn’t utter a word throughout the whole dinner.

As we finished our food the music was played asking everyone to come to the dance floor. The to be married couples took the center stage creating an adorable moment. I was enjoying their mesmerizing performance when Abhimanyu called me and I looked at him.

"Can I have the honour to share a dance with this beautiful lady?" he asked me when I looked at Vivaan.

His furious gaze was somehow soothing my broken heart and I agreed at once. He took me to the dance floor and we started grooving on the song with my hands on his shoulder.

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