Chapter 43- Love is in the air

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Aarohi's POV

I opened my eyes and found my naked body caged around his arms. I sighed in relief thinking that all of this wasn't a dream after all. I slowly turned to him and raised my head to look at his face.

He was sleeping just like a baby. I dropped a kiss on his forehead and carefully removed his arm from my waist. After putting my clothes on, I covered him with the blanket and rushed back to my room.

I opened the door and found Diksha, eagerly waiting for me with all the interrogation already prepared inside her head. But before she could ask anything, I rushed to her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you okay?" She asked me when water droplets left my eyes and touched her body.

"I made a mistake Diksha," I said sobbing.

"What happened?" She asked in a concerned voice.

"I-I failed to trust him. I ruined everything," I said.

"I am really scared now. Please tell me what has happened," she requested.

"Vivaan never cheated on me. It was all a trap. And I was so stupid to believe all these," I explained her everything.

After hearing the entire story very patiently, she responded by giving me a warm hug.

"It's okay," she consoled me.

"No it's not. I let my insecurity to win as always. I have always doubted my worth and questioned our relationship. I never trusted him and look how everything has been ruined just because of me," I complained.

"Vivaan along with his family has to suffer so much. If that day, I would have decided to confront him instead of running away, I could have saved our relationship."

"Aarohi, I am not saying it wasn't your fault. But now what's done is done. Why to let your past ruin your present? Just think about today," she said.

Her words helped lightening my heart and I felt relieved.

After taking a long shower I joined others in the dining hall for breakfast. It was the same table, same people and the same me. But something was different. "This feeling". I can't put this feeling into words. It was somewhat similar to the feeling of relief one gets after waking up from a nightmare.

Everyone was busy discussing about something which I wasn't aware of. Their words were reaching my ears but my mind was too busy being lost to understand their conversation.

Fixing my eyes on the toast served on my plate, I was still thinking about the last night when our body collided and the room was witnessing our love.


I was so busy being happy that I forgot considering my feelings. Do I still love him?  Does he love me? After everything we faced in the last two years, will we be able to return to what we were? Does he want to return back?

"Aarohi, Aarohi," Aadi shouted dragging me back to the dinning table and I looked at him without a single reaction of my face.

"Are you okay? We called you so many times. Why aren't you responding?" Aadi asked and I nodded my head setting aside my thoughts.

"I forgot to tell you the gossip," Diksha said finishing the food packed in her mouth.

Everyone looked at her as she explained everything.

"How dare she? I am not going to leave her like this," Aadi said furiously.

"Aadi please. Let's stop this matter here. It's already been 2 years and I don't want to strech this any further," I said.

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