Chapter 2

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Y/n is top of her year, right after Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, of course, that little rude idiot is better than her.

She is a pureblood, and has a very well-known family, though her family were not like the other purebloods. They did not act like they were superior, instead they treated everyone with kindness. They were very praised and an honourable family.

She woke up and was ready for the day, it was a couple of weeks before Yule, and her family did not celebrate Yule so she was not as excited as the rest of the school.

She had more Hufflepuff friends than Slytherin, but she was not as close with them, as she was with Pansy.

Sophia Tray was her closest of the Hufflepuffs, a strawberry blonde-haired girl with brown eyes. She was quite tall for her age, or y/n thought so since she was quite short.

The other Hufflepuffs she hung out with were kind too, and they had a little group, but they were not as close with Y/n as Sophia was.

Gabriel Summer is a tall boy for his age, all the girls have a crush on him, but he has a crush on y/n. Levi Gray is a sweetie, but shy and very quiet. He is tall and has blonde hair and the prettiest green eyes, but he is not as fancied as Gabriel is since he is not as open and noticeable.

Sophia had a tiny crush on Levi, only she was too shy to do anything about it and never talked with him only about him to Y/n and Gabriel.

Y/n was loved by almost all. Draco Malfoy was not one of them, he hated her especially because she was close with the Golden trio. She also always defended them and spat back at him. No one spat back at him, besides his friends, Pansy and Y/n. He

Y/n was one of the only ones who had the guts to curse him and bully him back, she would especially fill up with rage when he called Hermione a mudblood. Hermione was her closest friend out of the trio, and also her only "mud blood" friend, she defended her with her life even though she didn't hang out with her much.

Harry and Ron were both sweet to her, but also really shy when. Y/n and Hermione helped them with their homework. Harry and Ron were not the brightest in their year, since they always snooped around the school looking for ways to get themselves killed.

The first months went by pretty quickly, and Yule was getting closer.

She woke up pretty early, it was Friday which meant she would have two days without classes, or she thought.

She got ready pretty fast, hurried down to have breakfast and bumped into the golden trio. She chose to sit with them since they had all the same classes that day.

As she walked in with Hermione, Harry and Ron to their last class that day, potions with Snape, Malfoy obviously had something to say "Hah, look at that, the Famous Pottah is not only friends with a mudblood" he spat, you could see the pain in Hermione's Eyes. The only ones finding it funny were his friends "At least they aren't all up in my arse as if they lived there" Potter spat back.

"Bloody hell, you dimwitt, why don't you shut up before I-" Ron was interrupted by Hermione "Oh can't you all just shut up" Hermione yelled as she walked away up to the front away from the other, all eyes were on her especially since she was in a terrible mood that day "Blimey, what is her problem," Ron said and Malfoy spat back "She is a filthy little mudblood, that what her problem is"

Ron looked like he was going to literally Avada Kadavra his arse, he flared and walked away as he sat down, up in the front with Hermione and Potter.

As Y/n sat down, Malfoy kept on talking about mudbloods and purebloods and how Y/n was probably an inbred since she hung out with the golden trio, and was both a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff. Y/n ignored it.

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