Chapter 9

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As the weeks went by, I avoided Malfoy and he avoided me too. I hadn't talked a lot with Blaise, he had tried to talk with me a couple of times, but I just came up with some excuse to get out of it.

I woke up, showered, and waited for Pansy to get ready, I remembered the letter I had sent out weeks ago, my nan hadn't responded which scared me a bit. As Pansy and I walked into the Great Hall to get some breakfast, I could see Malfoy and Blaise separated, each on the opposite end of the table. I sighed, I had told Pansy everything, I hated keeping things from her, or more not being able to talk with someone about it. She teased me a lot, especially because of the whole Malfoy thing.

As we walked towards the table, my eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table, where Hermione, Ron and Harry said, I hadn't talked with them at all these past weeks, that was my fault, I was pretty pissed at Harry still, he hadn't apologised yet, probably because I always avoided him, and Ron hadn't really done anything, but he was always with Harry.

The only empty seats were beside Blaise, so we sat down next to him he smiled.
He knew I was not a morning person, so this was the only time I could be near him without him trying to talk with me. As I ate some fruit, an owl flew through the window, it was Bubble, and I knew it was a letter from my nan. As Bubble flew over me and dropped the letter, I could feel my stomach twirl in excitement. I could feel someone staring at me, burning holes through my head, as I looked up I caught Malfoy's eyes, and he immediately looked away.

"Who is that from?" Pansy asked "It's from my nan, I had owled her a couple of weeks ago, after the whole boggart incident" I answered quickly. I opened the letter as fast as possible.

The Letter

My darling, thank you for owling me.

I hope this letter finds you well and full of excitement as you embark on your magical journey at Hogwarts! Oh, how time flies—it seems like just yesterday you were a little tyke, and now you're off to learn spells and brew potions!

I couldn't be prouder of you, my dear. Remember, Hogwarts is a place of wonder and discovery, but it's also a place where you'll face challenges and make lifelong friends. Embrace every moment, my sweet, and never forget the values and lessons we've instilled in you.

I trust that you'll make wise choices, study hard, and above all, stay true to yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and remember that your family is always here for you, no matter the distance. As you navigate the halls of Hogwarts, may you find joy in learning, courage in adversity, and love in the friendships you'll forge, and maybe some relationships too, it is the school where I met your lovely grandpa.

Keep your head high and chin straight. I am excited to hear more about your time at Hogwarts, maybe about some boy involvements, and about your little mischievous days too, I won't tell your mother dear, it will be our secrets.

Treasure each day, my darling, and may your journey be filled with magic and wonder beyond your wildest dreams. With all my love and endless pride -Nan

My eyes teared up as I read the letter, she is okay, I will have to write her back so she knows that I will stay with her during the Yule break.

"Is everything well?" Pansy asked as she looked worried "Yes it is" I answered with a big smile on my lips. As we walked out of the great hall, Blaise walked right next to me, we both had potions, oh fuck my life. "Can we talk?" he asked, I really didn't want to talk with him but I had to at some point "Sure, after class?" I asked and he nodded, as we walked I sat down next to Sophia, and he sat with Astoria. I saw Hermione walking in with Harry and Ron, slightly smiling at me.

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