Chapter 17

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"Hey beautiful" Matheo said as I walked towards him "Aren't you a charmer", I smiled, he really knew his words with girls.

"Did you get it done?", he asked as we walked around the corridors, or more sneaking around, "Not quite, I need to back again after, he was busy" I lied, as we walked around "At least you get to spend time with me" he chuckled, as his hand made his way to mine.


He tried to intertwine our hands, but I smacked his hand lightly "That thirsty, you haven't even made it to your second day" I teased, as he smiled "I just can't resist", he smirked, he was handsome, and had these puppy dog eyes that made you want to do anything for him.

"So you never had contact with your father?" I asked, as we made our way outside, he stopped and looked me deeply in the eyes "No", he shook his hand, I glanced at him with an apologetic look "Would you if you had the opportunity?" I asked him, with a faint smile.

"Only if it was either that or death" he sighed, looking away, and I didn't say anything.

We went to sit by my and Hermione's spot, at the lake. We sat there in silence, as we looked over the water, it was beautiful.

"Tell me something about you" he broke the silence, as he looked at me, I let out a little laugh "What do you want to know?", "Well for started, tell me about your family", and I could feel my heart shatter.

"Well, we are purebloods, I have a sister, Aria, and my parents, Erisa and Norwan" I said, trying not to mention my Nan, "Who are you closest with?", "Well, I was closest with my Nan but she died right before summer break, and I never talk with my father, he is always away on some business trip of some sort. So it is always just me, my sister and my mother".

"Oh, I am sorry about your Nan", his face saddened, as he sent an apologetic glance "No don't be," I said as I nudged his arm.

We sat there talking for a while, getting to know each other, just some random shit like where we grew up, if we had pets, and so on.

"Should we head back, I have to get to Malfoy, and it is getting pretty late" I said, as I noticed the time, it was around 12 pm, and I had to get to Malfoy.

"So nothing between you and Malfoy?" he seemed suspicious, "No, no nothing, just a friend, or something like that" I lied, as we walked back.

"Good, then I have a chance," he said, I froze, my thoughts, my heart, my body, he laughed "What, making you nervous?" he asked as he grabbed my arm pulling me with him.

"No, I just didn't expect that" I shook it off me.

Moments before entering the common room, I noticed some steps "Hurry, run, it's Filch" I whispered as we ran for our life.

We didn't have anywhere to hide, we could only run, but we made it to the common room before he caught us.

"Thank Merlin" I gasped, trying to catch my breath, we both burst out laughing "Should do that again sometime Miss Y/n" he smiled, he was so handsome and cute at the same time, I could feel my stomach turn, a little like butterflies.

"Of course," I said, as he walked me over to Malfoy's dorm.

"Well, goodnight beautiful, you know where to find me" he winked after kissing my cheek, he left me speechless, walking away before I could say something.

I shook it off and knocked on Malfoy's door, he opened and pulled me in and immediately started kissing me, he was hungry, hungry for me.

But that is all that happened, we snogged, kissed, and touched a little here and there.

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