Chapter 11

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Phoenix's pov:

I was walking in the school hallway, going to my next class but I saw Johnnie by the lockers.

I was going up to him to say hi until a girl with pink layered hair rudely came in front of me to talk to Johnnie I guess.

Who was this girl i think she's new or something.

I don't think johnnie saw me so I stood by the lockers listening to their conversation.

Johnnie was wearing a panic at the disco shirt and the girl in pink hair claimed that she loves that band.

"I love that band!" The girl said to johnnie.

He smiled at her and said "thanks! I like your hair." He said to her.

She smiled and began to talk to him some more.

I clenched my fists and I felt rage overcome me. I stomped away and went into the bathroom and slammed the stall door behind me.

I don't know why I was so angry. It's not like me and johnnie were dating. But I just felt so mad and backstabbed. I feel like such a jealous idiot.

I slammed my fist on my leg several times. I was just so fucking angry.


The bell rang for next period. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the stall furious.

I was heading to my math class but I remembered that I have the same class with him and he sits right next to me. Fuck.

But I fucking saw that pink haired girl walk into the class before me. There's no fucking way that she has this class too. I wanted to throw a boulder at her.

I sat down next to johnnie not even saying anything to him. I saw him look at me in the corner of my eye but before he could say anything, the teacher started talking.

"Hello class, I wanted to introduce to you all a new student. Go ahead sweetie introduce yourself!" The teacher said.

Are you fucking kidding me.

"Hi! My name is Alex. I just moved here from Florida! I'm glad to be apart of this school." She said with a bright grin.

Ugh. I'm fucking sick of her already. Her voice burns my soul.

"Thank you for being here Alex. How bout you go sit in the open seat next to Johnnie, the boy with black hair. Johnnie please raise your hand so Alex can see."

Are you actually serious. Of course the teacher assigned her to sit next to Johnnie. What the fuck dude.

Johnnie raised his hand and glanced at me. I looked away angrily. Alex smiled at him and sat down.

I was scraping my finger nails into my skin. I was so mad it's not even funny.

"So today in class we are going to be doing a project, you are assigned to be in groups of three. Get in your groups now."


"Psst... what's wrong phee? You're so quiet today." Johnnie said.

"Nothing." I said lying.

"Heyy Johnnie you should be in my group, it's not like I know what I'm doing anyways hahaha!" Alex said.


"Oh, yeah that's fine. My friend Phoenix is gonna join too."

"Oh... um okay." Alex said loosing her smile looking me up and down.

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