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Hi guys.......dedicated to @Sazzyjoe ........ cuz she's just cool.

Hope u enjoy.


I woke up and Niall was gone. I walked out to the living room to see everyone except him there.

" Hi guys. Where's Niall?"I asked. I peered into the kitchen to see dishes piled up in the sink. Well thanks for keeping some for me guys.

"Oh, he's gone out to get you breakfast." Sara informed me.

As soon as she finished the sentence Niall came through the door with two Nandos bags.

"Here you go, good morning." He said , handing me one and kissing my cheek. The little sqquirrells in my stomach anced a jig when his lips touched my cheek. Yes I know it was only a kiss on the cheeks but I can't help the way I feel.

"Thanks Nialler" I said to him. I sat down and we both dug in to our peri-peri chicken.


Right now we were all sitting and the couch watching movies, i was about 7o'clock. I noticed Sara and Zayn were quite cuddly but I didn't pay much attention.

"Hey katie, wanna go for a walk" Niall asked from beside me.

" Sure why not!" I said. After we got our shoes on we were out the door and headed towards the park.We were walking through the park when I spotted someting at my feet. I looked down to see it was a squirrell. Did I mention that I love squirells? Well I do. I bent down and put my hand out and it hopped on.

" Niall , pwease , pwease, pwease can I keep him?" I asked putting my best puppy dog face on cuz I know he can't resist it.

After a while he cracked.

" Fine , but if that thing poops in my room I'm going to kill you" he said. I gasped.

"First of all , my squirrell is not a thing, and secondly , Kevin would not do such a thing." I said seriously. He burst out laughing.

" You............you........called it Kevin?" He stuttered out.

"Yes. Now let's go home so I can show him off to everyone." I said.

20 minutes later we were going inside.

I went into the sitting room to see everyonestill sitting there.

" Guys, id like you all to meet my new pet squirell Kevin." I announced to them.

"Kevin? Isn't that what you convinced Jack to call you back in school?" Sara asked. I nodded remembering.

" Dude , that kid totally liked you. Always picking you for all the games we played." Niall said . I laughed a bit, its the truth though.

" Yes . Now I'm going to find Kevin some food and then we're going to bed" I said to everyone.

" I think I'll join you." Niall said.


I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Its about 2o'clock in the morning and I'm really thirsty.

After id finished I walked into the sittingroom to see Sara and Zayn on the couch snogging.

I just smirked to myself and headed back upstairs and got into bed with Niall.

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Ok another chappie. Sorry I took o long, I didn't have any ideas.



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