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I awoke to singing coming from the bathroom. I reached out beside me and wrapped my arms around Katie, snuggling closer to her.  She seemed somehow bigger, and her face seemed prickly. I opened my eyes and was met with a grinning Paul. I screamed and jumped away from him. Laughter sounded from beside us and i looked up to see everyone but Louis standing there, that must be who was singing.

"Aw Nialler, is Paul snuggly?" Zayn asked, laughing at me. I pouted and looked down.

"Thats not fair, i thought it was Katie. " I replied, still pouting. Paul got up from the bed and Katie took his place, wrapping her arms around me. I snuggled closer to her , burying my face in the crook of her neck and hiding away from the others . Its not nice to do something like that to someone who's still half asleep.

"Aww Niall, its okay baby, we all know you have a soft spot for Paulie." My girlfriend said , making everyone laugh yet again. I huffed and got up, making my way to the kitchen to get breakfast .

I got a bowl, a box of cheerios and some milk and sat up on the counter and started eating my food.

Katie walked in when i was half way through the bowl , hopping up beside me.

"We woke you up because you have an interview in an hour, everyobe else is ready so you might want to get a move on." She said , resting her head on my shoulder.  I turned my head to peck her on the lips before hopping down and putting my empty bowl in the sink, then running off to get ready.


We were backstage on the set of This Morning, just about to go on. 

Niall, Zayn and Harry were jumping around the place getting 'syked' , the girls were sitting somewhere in the audience and i was trying to attatch my god damned microphone to my shirt , the thing just wouldnt go on, it was impossible .

I heard chuckling and looked up to see Liam walking over to me. He took the mic from me and attatched it to my shirt. I looked up at him in suprise, how the hell did he do that so fast ?!?!

He patted my chest once and then walked away from me. Just then some dude with a clipboard walked over to us.

"You're on now." He spoke in a gruff voice before ushering us on to the set.  There were two couches set up in front of two people who i recognised to be Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schiofield, the interviewers. Harry , Zayn and Niall sat on one couch, leaving the smaller one for Liam and I.

"Hello boys, hows everyone today?" Holly asked, and a chorus of 'good's and 'great's followed.

"So , we're going to start with a few questions for all of you, first off, Who's single and who's taken?" Phillip asked looking to all of us.

"Taken" Niall said proudly.

"Taken" Zayn smirked.

"Im taken" Harry announced.

Then it was my turn.


I looked to Liam to see him withba forced smile on his face.

"Uurgh single" He said, looking down, there was a collective gasp from the audience, shouts of:



"PAYZER!" , were being thrown at Liam. I placed my hand on his knee and squeezed gently, that sending the crowd into an uproar yet again.




Holly cleared her throat before moving onto the next question.

Twenty minutes later we were back  on the bus and on our way to the next arena, which was in Scotland , so we were going to be driving for a few hours.

I decided I'd go lie down for a while, i had woken up before everyone else this morning and now i was tired.  I lay down in my bunk and pulled the curtain shut , not bothering to change my clothes.

A few minutes later i could hear footsteps approaching me , and then an amazing voice sounded.

"And now, you say you're lonely,

you cried the whole night through"

I peeked out of my bunk to see Liam sitting on his bunk across from me , singing.

I watched silently while he sung the rest of the song, and then started clapping once had finished.

He looked over to me, suprised that he had been caught.

I walked over to his bunk and lay down beside him.

"I dont like sleeping on my own." I simply said, laying my head on his pillow. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, closing his eyes and sighing happily. I closed my eyes aswell and drifted off a few minutes later.

A.N  oh my god that was crap, i am so sorry guys.  Anyway please comment to let me know that someone actually reads this.

Oh and if any of you lovely people would like to make me a cover for this story, i will love you forever.




~Katie <3

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