Chapter 23

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Sorrry it's been so long guys, I just could not think of anything for this story, sorry. But this is the final chapter :( Bleh I can remember starting this story and getting excited when I got 100 reads now I have over 7,000. I love all of you guys so much.


Katie's POV

I looked around , searching for Niall in the crowded room, not seeing him anywhere. Zayn had decided to have his party at his and Sara's house, instead of making a fuss and going out somewhere fancy. The living room , as well as pretty much all the rooms downstairs, was packed full of drunken people grinding on each other and chatting in corners. Zayn had agreed to no alchohol, but everyone had brought their own drink anyway.

"Katie!" I heard my name being shouted from across the room. I turned around to see Harry and Aoife stumbling towards me, both of them completely scuttered. 

"Katie..I-i'm really drunk." Aoife said, giggling and wrapping her arms around me. I looked over to Harry and he just shrugged, the simple action proving to be a bit hard for him as he swayed in his place.

"I can see that Aoife, why don't you and Harry go and sit down?" I said, guiding them over to an empty couch, afraid one of them would fall over. I walked with them and made sure they were safe but swiftly walked away as soon as the couple started snogging. 

I began making my way through the crowd again before I saw Louis dancing on one of Zayn's tables while Liam, being sober, tried to get him down. I sighed and walked over to them.

"No Lili, I'm jigging with the giraffes, they'll be offended if I leave them." Louis whined, continuing to dance around on the table. Liam sighed and crossed his arms. I caught his eye and just nodded to him, signalling that I would get the lunatic down. 

"Louis William Tomlinson, if you are not down off of that table in the next five seconds I am going to get up there and drag you home. Five...." I said, watching as the Doncaster lad's head whipped around, his eyes widening in fear. He scurried off of the table and into Liam's arms, hididng his face in the taller boy's chest.

"Don't let her eat me Liam, I'll be good, I swear!" Louis shouted dramatically, Liam just chuckled and mouthed a quick 'Thank You' my way before pullinng the boy into the kitchen, hopefully to sober him up a bit.

I started off on my way through the crowd again, making my way up the stairs. I chuckled as I walked around the corner to see Zayn and Sara in the middle of a very heated make-out session. The two broke away at the sound, pulling away from each other and attempting to smooth out their clothes.

"Hello lovebirds, have you seen my boyfriend?" I asked, smirking at the two.

"Um, I think he's in the Art room." Zayn mumbled, pointing down the hall. I giggled at Sara's red cheeks and made my way down the hall.

"Thank you. Oh and Happy Birthday Zayn!" I called after me, pushing open the door to the art room. I smiled as I saw Niall sat in the middle of the room, staring out the large window across from him at the night sky.

"Ah, so this is where you've been hiding from me, eh?" I said, watching as my boyfriend jumped. I walked over and sat down beside him, resting my headon his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I wasn't hididng from you, I was just thinking." Niall said, reaching up to cup my face. I pecked his lips before resting my head back where it was and looking out the window, the light from the moon shining in.

"About what?" 

"Us, our future." Niall said, I looked up at him as he continued on.

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately actually, and I've made my decision." I started to get worried then as he moved away from me and stood up too. 

"Oh God, you're breaking up with me aren't you? Oh God I-" I started rambling , being cut off by Niall's beautiful laugh.

"No Katie, I'm not breaking up with you, the complete opposite actually." Niall said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a red box. 

"Katie Lauren Gahan, I have been in love with you for what? Seven years now, and I couldn't be any happier. I love every little thing about you, I love the way your eyes crinkle up when you laugh. I love the way you always sing terribly in the shower. I love how you always seem to cheer me up just by looking at me. I love your lips, your eyes, your hair, your cute little button nose. I love every single thing about you Katie, you made me the happiest man alive when you told me you loved me that day." My eyes began to water as Niall got down on one knee in front of me. My hands clamped over my mouth as I began to sob and shake uncontrollably.

"But you'd make me even happier...if you gave me the honour of being able to call you my wife. Katie Lauren Gahan, will you marry me?" Niall asked me, opening up the box to reveal a stunning gold band.

I nodded my head fratically and flung myself on him, attatching my lips to his and wrapping my arms around him. Tears were still running down my face as we kissed, our lips moulding together in a soft and passionate embrace. I pulled away from him and sat up, wiping a tear from his face. He reached for my hand and picked up the ring, sliding it carefully onto my finger. I cried even more as I looked down to my hand, the gold band fitting perfectly on my finger.

"I love you Katie." Niall said, pulling me closer and burying his face in my hair.

"I love you too Ni, so much." I said, gently kissing his neck. Niall jumped up, pulling me up with him and wiped the remaining tears from my face.

"C'mon Future Mrs. Horan, lets go have some fun." He smiled at me, my heart panged in my chest as I heard the name and I nearly started crying again. I smiled back at him and we walked to the door, stepping out, only to be met by all of our friends.

"MY BABIES!" Louis cried, rushing over and wrapping his arms around us, the others soon joining in. I looked to fiancé and smiled. Boy, I could get used to saying that, fiancé. This is it, this is all I could ever need, a loving family, brilliant friends, and an amazing fiancé, what more could a girl ask for?

My best friend was going to be my husband, and I couldn't be happier.



AGH, HOLD ME! Omfg guys I cannot believe this story is over, gah. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me and reading my stupid story, I hope you enjoyed it. 

As I said in the last chapter, there will NOT be a sequel to this story, I'm sorry to any of you who may be disappointed by that.

Once again, I love each and every one of you , thank you so much for reading this story :* 

Now excuse me while I go curl up in a ball and cry, bleh I can't believe this is over.





~*~Katie <3 xxx

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