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Hey guys! 

I'm back lol. I never know what to write for this story , I just ....bleh idek

Anyway, i'm gonna try and write something thats half way decent sooooo, I hope you all enjoy it!

Katie's POV:

"Niall, no , get off me, I'm not going shopping with you!"

"Ah, come on Katie, I have to get Zayn something, it's his birthday tomorrow!"

"Niall, its 9am , I am not going anywhere!"

"But Kaaaaatie" Niall whined, stringing out the 'a'. "He's my best friend, I have to get him something, and I don't want to go on my own"

"If you hadn't of left it until last minute to get him something then we wouldn't have this problem!"

"I'll bring you to 'Toys R Us"

"Give me 10 minutes to get ready, I'll meet you downstairs."


After I had gotten dressed and we both had a quick breakfast, I found myself walking in and out of nearly every shop in the mall with Niall constantly complaining that nothing was 'Zayn enough'. I'd pointed out countless nice tops and jackets, watches, shoes, everything, but no, he wouldn't get any of them.

We walked into a men's clothes store and headed over to the right, looking around at the hundreds of different t-shirts hanging on racks around us. We looked around for awhile,  nothing really catching our eyes , until we stopped in front of a black tank top,with what looked t be a blue-ish cobra on it. It truly was stunning, and it did seem like Zayn's style.

"I think this is it." Niall said, picking the top up off the rack and looking to see if it was Zan's size, and luckily it was.

"Yeah, I think Zayn will really like it. Can we go to' Toys R Us' now?" I asked , bouncing up and down around him.

"Just let me fing a nice jacket or something for him aswell, then we can go." Niall chuckled, walking off in the direction of the jackets. I huffed and followed him.


"It's like heaven!" I shouted, running off into the shop. Niall had finally finished shopping for Zayn, and now we had come to 'Toys R Us' . Much to my delight, Niall had told me that I could get something here aswell, so I was even more hyper. I ran around all of the isles , stopping to stare at all of the amazing things there,  how could he expect me to pick just one of these things? Its like bringing someone to a room full of their favourite food, and telling them they could only have one bite, it just wasn't fair. But I wasn't going to complain, he was being nice to me, as always.


An hour or two later , we were walking out of the mall and over to our car, me with my new My Little Pony  figure , it came up to my hip and you could brush it's hair and put clothes on it and everything. My mind had went into over-ride when I had seen it and I had to get it.

Niall couldn't resist all of the amazing toys around him, and had gotten a new Nerf un, to add to the collection of the 10 he had already had.  


Oh My God I am so soryy, that was so bad , Im sorry, I  just cant think of anything else.

The next chapter should be up soon though, it's going to be the last chapter *cries* , Zayn's Birthday, and then the epilogue after that. And there will NOT be a sequel!!

I just can't seem to get into this story.... I'm sorry :( But hopefully after I finish this I should have a better story starting, idk. Anyway, goodbye, I love you all so much and I hope you have a brilliant day/ night!





~Katie <3

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