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Hey Guys! How is everyone, it's been a while, I know, I'm sorry.

I just haven't really been in the mood to write lately, and haven't had any ideas, but now I do....so here we go. And, I'm going to be changing things up a bit here....don'tknow if it will work....but, we'll just have to find out, won't we?

Dedicated to @cakehorlik cos if she doesn't update ima shove a lollipop up her nostril


*Katie's POV*

*6 Months Later*

I looked around at all of my friend, each one of them happy and smiling, laughing about things that had happened on tour. The tour had ended three weeks ago, and now we were all back in London, in the boys' house. We would be all be moving soon though, as it was getting kind of cramped in the five-bedroom-ed house, with nine people living in it. Niall and I had already bought a house, just down the road, about 5 minutes away from the house Louis and Liam had bought. That's right, the mushy couple had finally gotten together, and we were all so happy about it. They came out to the fans just two weeks ago, and no one had been giving them trouble at all. Of course there was the odd person who would throw snide remarks at them now and then, but apart from that, everything was okay.

Zayn and Sara had also bought a house,  right beside the Lilo residence. Harry and Aoife were still looking for a house, but until they found one, would be staying in our current home.

Niall and I were doing great, we had become a lot closer over the last three weeks, mainly because we weren't cramped on a tour bus, and were able to go outand about on normal dates , when ever we wanted to, and not have to check with anyone. Just yesterday he brought me on a picnic, we sat underneath a beautiful oak tree, hidden by the branches that hung down over us. He had gotten Harry to cook loads of delicious foods for us, and had taken it upon himself to lay out a blanket, and scatter flowers all around it. I had nearly cried when I saw all the effort he had put into it, but instead opted for kissing every part of his face I could reach.

Harry and Aoife were growing closer and closer each day, you could see that the two were made for each other. They weren't exactly a perfect couple, they would bicker now and then, but I suppose they were only really starting to get to know each other. 

Zayn and Sara hadn't changed a bit, they were still the same love sick couple as when they first started going out. I would still catch them snogging in random places every now and then.

Liam and Louis had to be the cutest couple ever, though. They never left each-other's side. You would always find them cuddled up together, stealing little pecks every now and then, and if they weren't intertwined together, their hands at least were. I wouldn't like to be around if one of them had to go away for more than a day, they would both be lost.

My family had visited last week, and I was so excited to see everyone again. My little sister had grown so much,  she was going to discos and everything now, and apparently had a boyfriend named Jason. I was astonished when I was told, and immediately brought her up to my room to discuss this boy. I had tried to remain serious for as long as I could (five minutes) and then began discussing whether or not they had kissed yet, if he was a good kisser, if they had went on dates and so on.

Sadly, they left after a few days, Lauren having to go back to school, and Dad having to work. My Mum and Lauren had cried when they had to leave, making me promise I'd come visit regularly. Niall reassured both them and my Dad that he would take excellent care of me, and that both of us would go home whenever we could.  

Now all nine of us sat in the living room of our house, just chatting and messing, all the couples cuddled up, TV playing in the background, noone was watching it though, we were all just having a good time in each-other's company.

I turned around to look at Niall, seeing him already looking down at me. I smiled up at him and pecked him on the lips, resting my head back on his chest, still looking up at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby."


Welllllll, there we go. I'm sorry it's not very long :( 

And I know I skipped like the whol tour, but I have more ideas for this if they're not on tour soooo......

I think there could only be a few more chapters left.........5 or 6.........I'm not entirely sure, but anyways......

I hope you enjoyed, I love you all <3




P.S  my kik is KatieIrwin06 , if you ever want to talk <3

~Katie x

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