Chapter 3 - Oak Trees and Sports

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Cortney's P.O.V

It was break, just had that confirmed by Clown, so I followed him and Corey to their usual spot. A round table on a patch of grass, by a tree. It was a warm, sunny day, so everyone was in the shade of the oak tree, all bags piled onto the table, waiting for the next bell to ring, the start of the third lesson of the day.
Brenna, Paul, Joey and a few others were all sat under the tree in the grass patch, near the back entrance of the school.
"Hey, Cortney. How are you enjoying school?" Brenna asked, out in the sun, with Paul lying next to her, with his hands behind his head.
I nodded, as it wasn't so bad, and Corey smiled.
"Where were you this morning?" A guy asked Corey, sat in the sun, facing the tree, looking up at Corey.
"Sleeping." Corey replied, as I sat next to Brenna, the two of us moving into the shade, sat facing Paul, still lying back.
"That's Jim, Mick, Chris, Sid and Craig." Brenna smiled, pointing everyone out. All different heights, hair colours, clothing styles, though really these guys all dressed somewhat the same... Band shirts, or dark clothing, all wearing jeans. So they weren't far apart, but they all had slight different taste in music, by the looks of it.
I nodded and Paul added. "The rest of our band."

You know have my attention, Paul. You are in a band?! I leaned forwards to look at him, interested. I loved music and now I was friends with a band? Bring it on! You'd think someone would of mentioned this earlier!
"Slipknot." He smiled at my reaction.
Nice name... I nodded.
"Corey is lead vocals, though he wasn't originally. We had another guy, but Corey's just better... I'm on bass guitar, Clown and Chris are percussions." He pointed Chris out to me, sat under the tree, saying something to Corey. "Craig's on keyboards, like you, he doesn't speak." Craig was sat silently in the sun, with Corey on his right, just listening to the conversation. "Mick and Jim are on guitar, Mick being lead." These two were on the tall side, Jim standing above all. Brown hair, and a bit of stubble, the impression he was trying to grow some facial hair, while Mick had some fair muscle on him, his hair long and dark, wearing a hat backwards, with sunglass hiding his eyes, standing with Jim, in their own conversation. "-and Joey is on the drums. We wanna make it big, but we've all agreed to finish school first." Paul told me, nodding over to Joey, sat with his back against the tree, shooting a nod in our direction, at the mention of his name.
I nodded and took a look at the group. They came off as heavy metal, possibly even grunge? I'd have to give them a listen sometime.
"And Sid the DJ!" Brenna added, nudging Paul with her leg, pointing my attention to the guy who drove Corey away from us.
"Oh, right! Yeah. Sid..." Paul joked, sitting up, acting as if he forget. "If you want, you can come hear us practice tonight?" He suggested. "We're going over to Craig's house. He won't mind you being there."
I shook my head, no. As much as I wanted to, I was busy helping my parents paint the living room tonight. I'd love to hear these guys, but I promised my folks I'd help them...
"Fair enough, but if you ever do then just... Let us know... Somehow?" Paul smiled, choosing his words, hoping I wouldn't take offence.
I nodded, smiling brightly, and that was when Brenna gave me a piece of paper with hers and Paul's numbers on it.
I smiled, accepting the paper and bell rang for lesson three.
"Come on, Cortney. Hope you like gym." Clown smiled, offering a hand out to help me up off the ground.
I took his hand and we waited for Corey, who was talking with Chris, still.
Clown rolled his eyes and gently pushed me to the door, as if saying 'Leave him, let's just go.'
I laughed a bit, silently of course, and followed him to the gym, across the yard.

. . .

A quick change in the changing rooms and the class gathered outside the sports hall. As I was new I had to borrow a sports kit from the school. Gross...
We were told it would be dodgeball, as we (me and a few other kids) waited for everyone to finish changing.
Once the last lot arrived, we were allowed to enter the sports hall. Corey and Clown found me, lost in the crowd, and stood with me as the teacher, Mr Gates, split us into two groups. Luckily Corey, Clown and I were put on the same team. Corey stayed close to me, pointing out the odd person on the other team, telling me who they were and their tactics of the game.
"Watch for the brunette, with the bunches. That's Bella, she's really into her sports! She's going to aim for your waist, so you better be good with a hula hoop!" Corey teased, pointing Bella out, as she was so into the game. And before anyone says anything! Corey explained to the teacher that I don't speak, and no one spoke to me, or even gave me any attention, in the changing room. Thank God...

Dodgeball was actually rather fun, until I got hit and had to sit to the side. I watched Corey and Clown, as I sat on the bench, on my teams side of the hall.
Corey was mostly dodging, occasionally catching a ball and proper throwing it back,  whiles Clown was just in the game. Not to win, more to just get as far as he could...
"Cortney, why do you hate talking?" Corey asked, as he got himself out of dodgeball.
Apparently it had been dodgeball for three weeks now, and everyone in the class was getting sick of it, getting themselves knocked out on purpose, which I hadn't noticed until Clown pointed it out, before I got caught.
Corey sat next to me on the bench and I shrugged. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want to hear my voice.
"Are you shy?" He asked, tying his shoelaces as he noticed they were loose.
I nodded, but he wasn't so convinced.
"No offence, you don't seem shy... You act... Fine, y'know. Confident... and quiet." Corey said, choosing his words wisely. I knew it wasn't easy to speak to someone so quiet, but everyone I've met so far have dealt with it well.
I gave up - wanting to get this out the way, as someone was destined to ask. I looked at him and took a deep breath. "I hate my voice." I spoke quietly, cringing at myself.
"Why? I like your voice." Corey smiled, sitting up, seeming honoured and amazed that I spoke to him.
I smiled and shook my head, looking away. I hated it. I sounded weird...
"Here." Corey said, taking my hand. His hand was warm. I liked it.
I'm obviously getting a crush on this guy... and it's only my first day! He's funny, kind, very good looking, and blond! I got a soft spot for blonds.
He took a pen out of his pocket and wrote his number on my hand, smiling at me once finished.
I smiled back, getting lost in his eyes, when Clown joined us on the bench, not actually getting himself out, just wanting to talk to his friends.
"I have a plan, to get us out of class." He said, looking directly at Corey.
"Do it." Corey nodded at him, turning away from me.
'Uh oh' I thought.

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