Chapter 27 - Happy Family

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(A/N - Good news! This is the longest story I have ever written and I'm still not finished yet! I really wanna thank you guys for all the support. This seriously means a lot to me, you guys are amazing! Thank you!)

Cortney's P.O.V - 11 Months Later

3:00 am
It's 3:00 am

"You sleep... I got her." Corey mumbled, tiredly.
I sighed and tired to back to sleep as Corey went to see Katie.
Katie Louise Sixx. Our little angel.

She always cries at 3 am... I was expecting this, but I'm so tired. I know she is only 2 months old. She cant help it.
Corey is currently in the process of making a new album, but he always goes to see Katie, so I get my sleep. He is the one who needs sleep!

Corey came back to bed a short while later. I was only half sleep.
Corey sighed and I could feel his eyes on me.
He gently moved my hair off my shoulder and glided his hand, smoothly, down my arm, before kissing my neck, softly.
"I love you, Cortney. You mean the world to me." He whispered. He lay back in bed, keeping me close, going back to sleep.


I woke up the next day to find Corey gone and a note on his pillow.

Left for the studio. Brenna and Stacy should be downstairs with Katie, by the time you wake up. I love you both and I'll see you soon.

Corey. xx

I smiled and got up. I dressed for the day and walked downstairs.
"Morning." Brenna smiled, holding Katie.
I smiled and gave a wave, before carefully taking my baby girl from her.
Stacy was making some breakfast. Looks like we're having a girls day.

"Hey. Sleep well?" Stacy asked.
I shrugged and nodded.
Stacy let a smile and served up some breakfast. We sat at the table, with Katie in her high chair.

"Awe.... She's so cute!" Brenna cooed.
I smiled and booped Katie's nose, making her giggle.
We ate breakfast and decided to just play with Katie.


"So, the album is nearly finished and that is gonna mean- What?" Corey stopped, to give Katie attention. He pulled faces at Katie, as she was stood on the sofa, with the help of Corey. Katie giggled and Corey continued.
"Meh... Yeah! We're nearly finished so that is gonna mean we're leaving for tour again soon! I don't know or mind, really, if you want us to hold that back for a while, until Katie is more older- whoa!" Corey laughed softly as Katie fell into his lap.

I sat on the sofa with them as Corey sat Katie down on his lap. "I can stay here and help out with Kate, but I am gonna have to go on tour soon!" Corey looked at me.
I shook my head and got my phone out.

"Go on tour. Brenna and Stacy would happily help me out. It'll be fine." I typed.
"Okay..." Corey nodded with a yawn. He was so tired. "... I'll tell the others later..." Corey said, playing with Katie.

I nodded and typed a message.
"Are you OK? Katie has been keeping us up and you look so tired. You should get some sleep."
"Nah. I'm fine!" He yawned. "You need help here... Cortney if you need me to stay..." Corey sighed.

I shook my head. "You need to go. It's your job! I'm just worried about the fact Katie been keeping us up. Me and Katie are fine." I showed Corey the message.
"I just worry about you two." Corey sighed, looking at me.
"Go on tour, but get some sleep. Now." I gave him my phone, to read the message and took Katie from him.
"Alright. I'll sleep." Corey smiled, standing up and kissing my head. "I love you." He whispered. "Both of you." He continued, stroking Katie's cheek with his finger.
He walked upstairs and went to bed.

Was this all becoming too much?
Corey wants to stay and help, but Slipknot is his job. He cant say no to that. I don't know what to do...
Yes, I want Corey home to stay and help, so Katie has both her mom and dad around, but Corey going on tour is apart of his job. Being parents is hard...

~ 2 Days Later ~

"Happy! Sad! Grumpy! Silly! Confused! Awesome! Rock star!" Clown was making Katie laugh, pulling faces at her.
Everyone was over at ours, so they could talk about music, but right now, everyone was more interested in Katie.
"Awesome... Silly.... Awesome.... Silly.... Awesome..." Clown went on pointing at himself on 'awesome' and pointing at Sid on 'Silly'.
"If you do that one more time I swear as soon as we are out of this house-!" Sid stopped as Corey lay down on the sofa.

"You look so tired." Sid said.
"I am... Waking up at 3, then waking up at 6 to go studio, then coming home at 5, over and over again." Corey sighed.
"Postpone tour. We can wait until Katie's first birthday. Ideally, going on tour with Katie at this age is just stupid. The fans can wait. Everyone knows you're a dad now. They'd understand." Clown said, passing Katie, gently over to Sid.

"Yeah and if anyone gets pis- Mad!" Paul corrected himself. "Then it's their problem. You cant help the fact that you have a baby and girlfriend who need you around. Be a father and agree to postpone." Paul continued.
"Can we really just do that?" Corey asked, yawning after.
"Look at Katie." Sid started. Corey looked at her. "She needs her father around. Let's wait until she's one. It's only a few months." Sid finished, holding Katie up, so she was stood.

Corey sighed and nodded. "Yeah... Let's postpone." He agreed. I smiled and looked at Paul and Brenna. They smiled back and Paul nodded.
"Get some sleep, Taylor!" He smiled.
"Give me Katie, first." Corey smiled, taking Katie from Sid and laying her on his chest.

I smiled as Corey fell asleep, holding Katie, who started to sleep with him.
Parenthood defiantly has it's perks.

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