Chapter 10 - I Feel Safe

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Cortney's P.O.V - Saturday Afternoon

"Wanna stay here tonight?" Corey asked me, as he glanced at the clock.
I looked over at his nightstand and shrugged. 05:42. Almost dinner.
"You can stay for dinner, only if you want to..." Corey trailed, wondering if this was too fast for me.
I shrugged again and nodded at him, accepting his offer.
Corey smiled and his mum shouted that dinner was ready. She's doesn't know that I'm here yet, or about me and Corey.

We walked downstairs, hand-in-hand, and walked into the kitchen.
"Mom, there's someone I want you to meet. This is my girlfriend, Cortney. She's staying for dinner, if that's fine with you?" Corey asked, reintroducing me.
"Of course! It's so great to see you back, Cortney!" His mum smiled, surprised to see me.
I smiled back and looked at Corey.

"She's doesn't speak, remember, and her and Clown get along!" Corey randomly said.
I looked at him confused, as we went to sit at the table.
"Clown scares her. She never hears him coming!" He whispered, as his mum passed us a plate eat.
I nodded, understanding, before digging into my pie. My parents should probably meet the others soon, but first I should reunite with them...

. . .

Me and Corey lay in his bed, just looking at each other. It was a comfortable silence, only his alarm clock ticking away.
"I love you." He whispered, playing with my right hand, as I lay on his left.
I smiled and stroked his cheek, with my left hand index finger. He took my hand in his and kissed it.

"I guess I'm your first boyfriend, aren't I?" Corey asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I nodded. I'll admit I felt more shy now, then I did when I met him. This was all new to me.
"You're beautiful." He whispered, as I started to think about thing that didn't matter before. Did he mind my weight? How much skin did I have showing? Did my breath smell bad?
I blushed and traced a pattern on his grey pillowcase.

"If I'm your first, then you are new to the... experience." He said, looking for another word for sex.
I nodded and he buried his face into my neck, planting a soft kiss. I was wearing a Hanoi Rocks top, that he let me borrow. I was too lazy to go back and get my stuff. It was a bit big for me, but smelt of Corey. I'm not sure if he's getting this back...

"Just let me know when you're ready..." He whispered in my neck.
I know what he meant.... I think I was ready, but we have only started dating today... I do love him... so... What the hell.
I kissed his lips and he kissed me back. It was a soft, loving kiss that told him I was ready.
He smiled in that kiss and... Well I think you know.

. . .

I woke up the next morning, feeling Corey's breath on my bare shoulder. He was out for the count, snoring softly, in a calming way. Not like my dad snores... Jesus Christ...
I yawned and stretched, being careful not to disturb him.

I saw the Hanoi Rocks shirt I was wearing, on the floor by my underwear.
It was an experience. One to remember. Corey was my boyfriend!
I bit my lip, smiling, reaching out, gently, just managing to grab the top. I sat up and slipped it on, letting Corey turn over, remaining asleep.

I grabbed my underwear, putting them on, before quickly taking the top off, putting my bra on, and putting the top back on.
I lay back down and snuggled into Corey's back, letting out a yawn.
I'm in love!

. . .

After breakfast, Corey came home with me, where he explained to my parents where I had been, what had happened, and that we were now together.
They were very happy for us, and took it well. They were very understanding people.

I grabbed a quick shower, leaving Corey to browse through my records and explore my bedroom, before I kicked him out, changed clothes, and we decided to go tell Paul and Brenna, as they were really worried about me.
We pretty much told all of our friends and I was welcomed back into the group with open arms. The guys decided not to have a practice today, and brought me up to date with everything they had going on.
Brenna was glued to myside, from the second we saw each other. We were sat on the couch, all of us over at Paul's house, pretty much lying down, hugging each other, kicking all the boys off the couch, if and when they tried to sit with us.

Everyone was fine and understanding. Corey explained who Dylan was and I started to figure that I probably wouldn't see him again, or at least hang around with him. He ran in a different circle from this lot, and I ran with this lot. I have since day one, the second I met Brenna.

The guys all showed me their masks, as when we arrived here Paul was going through old pictures, trying to find a suitable one for a band poster.
They were interesting to say the least. Some very scary, like Clown, Sid, and Craig's. Paul's was a very interesting mask, as it was of a pig. I actually like it the most, but don't tell the others! Chris had a mask, with a long nose. I couldn't wait to see it in person, as the picture I saw, was of he side ways on. It was a funny picture, but didn't make the final cut.
Then, there's Corey's mask... I liked it a lot, as it wasn't too different from how he looked when he woke up this morning. I saw it before, lying on his desk, when I woke up this morning. I think the masks were a great idea, as appearances were really held against you in the music industry.

I met Paul's parents, that evening, as we all stayed for dinner, getting a load of pizzas, before I had to head home. We lost track of time, so it was a bit late when I got home. I was so glad to be back with the guys and Brenna, but I was ecstatic that I was with Corey!

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