Chapter 23 - Real Smooth Boys

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Cortney's P.O.V

"Inside my shell, I Wait and Bleed." Stacy sung as me and her were randomly dancing outside Brenna's house.
"What the fuck?" Sid asked, walking up the drive with Paul.
"What? We're bored." Stacy defended us.
Sid and Paul looked at each other and shrugged.
"Must be a girls thing." Paul smirked.

I pinched his arm and he pinched me back, jokingly.
We ended up having a poke war, with Stacy and Sid laughing as they watched.
"Oh My God." Brenna laughed, walking out her house.
We stopped and Paul hugged Brenna. "She started it." He argued.
Sid started laughing. "And she wont say anything for her defence!"
I turned to him and he knew what was coming.

"MAKE HER STOP!" Sid shouted as I chased him down the street.
I could hear the others chasing after us as I called chase on Sid.
"GO CORTNEY!" Brenna laughed.
I caught up to Sid after a short while and pushed him onto the grass patch.

We laughed and the others caught up.
We just decided to sit on the grass for a bit, which just happened to be outside Clown's house.
"I just text Clown to come out." Paul said, sliding his phone back into his pocket.
"We should all just stare at him when he walks out the door, no emotions, just starring." Brenna laughed.
We all agreed and 2 minutes later Clown and Chris walked out his house.

We all just looked at them, each trying our hardest not to laugh or smile.
"What?" Chris laughed, as they crossed the road. They stood in front of us, but we remained our stare.
Stacy and Brenna stared laughing 3 seconds later and I joined them.
Paul and Sid laughed too, but started flagging off Clown when he gave them the middle finger.

"Sorry, man. Brenna's idea!" Paul snitched.
"Whoa!" Brenna laughed, fake offended.
"Exited for the gig?" Sid asked Chris and Clown.
"Fuck yeah! Who isn't?" Chris smiled.

Chris went on talking about the gig I would of listened, but my phone buzzed with a text from Corey.

Corey: Where are you?

Cortney: With some people we hang around with, because we get along with them. I think they're called friends.

Corey: 😂 so funny. But where??

Cortney: Outside Clowns house.

Corey: OK. I'm around the corner. Got news for you lot.

I looked at the guys and caught Paul's attenion. I handed him my phone and he read the texts, smirking at my sarcasm.

"Hey. Corey has news." Paul called, handing me my phone back.
"Fuck yeah, I do." Corey grinned, sitting next to me. "The gig we have coming... One band dropped out and I heard news that the producer has to sign a band, so if he likes our sound, we get signed." Corey smiled.

"Fuck yeah!"
Everyone was grinning and smiling about this. It meant everything to them.
I, however, was nervous. I know I've been over thinking, but what I'm scared of most is Corey leaving me for Slipknot...

"You OK, Cortney?" Corey asked, lightly touching my arm, to bring me out of my daze.
I nodded slightly, but I knew he wasn't sure.
"Cortney... tell me when we get home, OK?"
I nodded.
It will forever bother me if I don't tell him.

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