Chapter 5 - You Live Where?

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Cortney's P.O.V

"Sweetie..." My mum, Helen, smiled. I cringed at the name and she gave me an apologetic smile. "Would you go get the spare paint can out the garage for me?" She asked, standing in the kitchen doorway.
I nodded and put my brush down. I wore my old white Metallica hoodie, ripped white skinny jeans and had my hair tied back, so I wasn't covered in paint. Mum decided to paint the living room white, with the one red wall, where the TV would be against. I liked the idea, but we were running out of white paint. I walked into the garage and looked. Of course it's on the top fucking shelf...

"Cortney?" A voice asked, not too far away.
I looked to the entrance and saw Corey walking up the drive. I waved and he came over.
"You live here?" He asked, waving his hands in the direction of the house.
I nodded in reply and grabbed the paint, pulling it off the shelf.
"Sweet. I live just there." Corey smiled, pointing three doors down, on the opposite side of the street.
I smiled and almost dropped the paint can, but Corey saved it. He chuckled and held it for me. "You painting the house?" He asked, taking a look at the paint can.
I nodded and led him inside. We could use the extra help...
"Hello." Mum smiled, when Corey walked in the house.
"Hi, I'm Corey Taylor. I met Cortney today." Corey smiled, shaking my mums hand.
"Well hi. I'm Helen and this is my husband, Eric." Mum smiled, pointing my dad out, taking the paint from Corey, to get it open.
I mentally rolled my eyes, heading back to where I was, and grabbed my paint brush.
Corey shook my dads hand and offered to help us. Once the whole 'You don't have to.' 'If you insist' conversation happened, Corey grabbed a brush and painted a smiley face on the wall. I painted over it and Corey chuckled. "That was a work of art!"

We spent another hour painting and talking, on their side, until mum decided to get dinner ready. Corey agreed to stay for dinner, which was really awesome.
"So, does Cortney ever speak around you two?" Corey asked, sitting next to me at the table.
It was a fairly sized kitchen, with a dinner table in the centre, and counters, appliances, and prepping stations all around us.
"No. She hates her voice. I don't now why, she's beautiful." Mum said.
Corey looked at me smiling. "Not wrong." He smiled.
I looked away, blushing and Corey chuckled, lightly.
After dinner and washing the paint off our hands, Corey had to go home. Me and him were stood at the door, talking on his side.
"Wanna come watch us practice tomorrow? You don't have too, if you're busy or whatever..." He asked.
I nodded. Why not? We were friends now.
"Great. Walk home with me tomorrow and we'll go to Joey's... He doesn't live too far away from here." Corey smiled. He seem a bit off when saying Joey's name. Did they have a fight? but again, I silently nodded.
Corey smiled and stroked some hair that was in my face, behind my ear. "What's your natural colour? I'm gonna guess brunette."
I smiled a him and watched as he walked home, not wanting an answer.
I waved at him, from my door and he waved back from his. 

I walked in the house and watched TV with my parents for a while. What can I say? I love my parents, even if they do embarrass me from time to time.
"Corey was nice." Mum smiled at me, as dad brought in a couple of glasses of wine for himself and mum.
I nodded and grabbed a pen, from off the coffee table. "He's in a band and I said I'd go watch them practice tomorrow. That OK?" I wrote on my hand.
"Of course!" Mum smiled.
Dad looked at me, having no idea, so I showed him my hand.
"Of course he's in a band..." Dad teased, making us laugh.
Dad loved music, he actually personally knew some great names and people in the music industry. We were pretty fortunate.
Dad works in a radio station, whiles my mum has scored a job at a clothing store. It wasn't much, as mum has had better jobs in the past, but as we're just new here, we're taking what we can get.
For the rest of the evening mum and dad asked about school, forcing me to grab my old notebook, so I could answer all their questions. Like how were your classes? Did you make any other friends? Are the kids all nice to you? What are your teachers like?
I seriously never spoke to them... My own parents!

I went to bed, around eleven-ish. My room faced the front of the house. It wasn't too big, but it was enough for me. Single bed, closet, drawers, a coat hanger on the back of my door.
I taped up some old polaroid pictures, on the back of my door. There were holiday snaps and a couple of myself, with my only friend, Paige.
I knew I was never going to see Paige again, but she meant a lot to me. She was so sweet and kind and understanding. She was in school with me, back in England. I missed her a lot.
I climbed in my bed and looked around my room. My second night here... America was different. When we first arrived, we stayed in a hotel for the first night, to catch up on missing sleep. The next day, we officially moved in here.
I looked at the piles of records I owned. Not all our furniture was here, yet, so I had to go without shelves for a while. I had three piles of records, on the floor, under my window.
Some artist I love are; T. Rex, Mott The Hoople, Aerosmith, Sweet, The Doors, Elton John, The Runaways, The Rolling Stones, City Boy, ELO, and David Essex, plus so, so, so many more.
I have no idea what I want to do, when I'm older, but I hope it's down the line of music. Maybe something like what dad does, or like... work in a recording studio?
I switched my lamp off and closed my eyes. I wonder if Corey could make it some day. What kind of music do they play? Who inspires them?
My last thought, that night, was 'I wonder if Corey is thinking about me, right now...'

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