Chapter 29 - I Didn't Want This

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Cortney's P.O.V

I lay in bed, wide awake. Corey was sound asleep next to me. I looked at him. I was taking in every detail of him. I was so scared and heartbroken.
What am I doing?!

I have to stop all the arguing with myself.
Should I wake up Corey?
No! He needs his sleep. He's going out on tour tomorrow.
I looked at the clock... 02:17 am.
I sighed. It's for the best...

I got up quietly. I can do this... but I love him so much!
I grabbed the suitcase, I packed last night, from under the bed.
Cortney, no! Stop! Think about this!

Katie was becoming too much. She's got a routine now, but she's distracting Corey from Slipknot.
A tear fell from my eye. Go to sleep, Cortney...
I cant...
You can...

I got my jeans and shoes on. I grabbed the suitcase and went to Katie's room.
I grabbed the backpack that had her things inside and I picked Katie up. Suitcase in hand, backpack on my shoulder and my baby on my hip.

Yes... I'm leaving.
Corey doesn't like not giving Katie attention, but it's all she wants. I'm not hating! Christ no! It's just Corey has so much work to get on with and Katie is distracting him. I'm moving back in with my parents. My mum knows and is waiting up. She tried talking sense into me, but I told her everything.
You don't have to do this....
I don't want to. I want to marry Corey and be with him forever, but being a rock star and a parent is hard. I'm doing this for Katie. She's gonna grow up with a dad coming in and out of her life, if we stay. I don't want that for her.

I walked to my room and looked at Corey. He turned over now and was facing the door.
"Sweet dreams, Corey." I whispered. "I love you."
Katie woke up a bit, but was too tired to speak.

I walked downstairs and took one last look at our house.
I dropped the suitcase, opened the door, retrieved the suitcase and walked out.
I sat Katie in the back of the car and put our bags in the boot. I climbed up front and wiped the tears I didn't notice I had.
I started the engine and drove to my parents house.


"Cortney." My mum frowned, walking out the house with open arms.
I shut my car door and hugged her.
Mum got our bags as I got my daughter. I entered the house and dad took Katie, so she could go to bed. Dad took her upstairs and mum made me a drink.
"Cortney... Do you know what you're doing?" Mum asked.
I nodded slowly.
"F-For the sake of-f-f Katie." I stuttered, in tears.
Mum hugged me.

I just left the love of my life.

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